Reading and Writing Strategies Workshop October 2017
Early Reading picture books phonics (correct pronunciation) blending to read
Early Reading Strategies Sounding out Blending sounds together to build words Reading CVC and CCVC words: pat snip Using picture clues Context Reading repetitive sentences
Tricky Words Words to learn by sight the said I me my we she you come
Consolidating and Improving Fluency Reading books which are sent home should only have three or four new words in them the aim is to consolidate learning and to improve fluency Children should be reading with 95% accuracy We share books during Reading Workshops which are at a slightly higher level in order to teach children what they need to know next
Teacher Focus Decode accurately Comprehension Skills Seek, find and understand Read between the lines (infer and deduce information) Structure – e.g. a non-fiction text / story Language – choice of word The writer Facts and information
A range of texts.. Stories with familiar settings Traditional stories Different stories by the same author Extended stories Stories by significant authors Instructions Explanations Information texts Non-chronological reports Poetry to perform Silly poems Patterned poetry Dialogue and plays Letters
Reading opportunities in school Whole class Small group Pairs Buddies 1:1 with an adult book corner / library book / reading scheme book / big book / story sacks
Early Writing Mark making (begins with lines, circles and squiggles) Matching initial sounds to letters (phoneme/grapheme correspondence) Making lists Writing labels and captions Spelling – learning tricky words, using phonic knowledge Letter formation
Letters & Sounds A phoneme (sound) and its grapheme (how it is represented in writing) are introduced at the same time. We begin with single letters, progressing to digraphs. We focus on correct letter formation – lowercase initially, capitals are introduced later on in the year. Children practise on whiteboards.
Handwriting Correct letter formation is very important Lowercase not capitals Most children will reverse some letters at some stage
Letter Rhymes In school we teach letter formation through rhymes.
Letter Families All letters are placed into specific families based on how they are written. Ladder letters One armed robot letters Curly Caterpillar letters Zigzag Monster letters
Curly Caterpillar Letters Theses all start with a curl to the right. c o a d g q(qu) f s e
One Armed Robot Letters Theses all go straight down and then curve to the right. r n m h b k p
Zigzag Monster Letters Theses all go one direction and then back in the other (straight lines) v w x z
Ladder Letters Theses all start by making a straight line downwards l t i j u y
Independent Writing Children are given many opportunities to write for a purpose e.g. writing labels, adding a caption to a drawing, making a list. They are encouraged to listen to the word, splitting it into sounds, and representing each sound with a grapheme. Children use their fingers to count the sounds (magic fingers). Usual progression is the initial sound, then the initial and final sounds, and then finally the initial, middle and final sounds.
Independent Writing In school children are encouraged to have a go by using their phonic knowledge – they are not expected to spell every word correctly. However, tricky words are taught in Letters and Sounds. Children need to be able to write in full sentences with no missing words. The caterpillar went up the tall tree. The catupilu wet up the tol tri.
Independent Writing We do not initially write on lines, but will begin to do so later in the year, when the children are ready. Finger spaces. Count the number of words. Left to right, top to bottom
Helping at home. Practice reading with… Word Box Reading books from school. Practising sounds in green book. Practice writing in purple book, can write… Tricky words. Letter formation using rhymes.
s Helping at home. sat I sat on the mat Build from simple letters to words and then simple captions. s sat I sat on the mat
Useful Websites – do have to register but it’s free
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