Female Reproductive System Yellow Book Chapter Three Lesson 2 Page 35
External Female Reproductive Organs ___________: rounded mound of fatty tissue located directly over the pubic bone ___________: fatter outer folds on either side of the vaginal opening Labia Minora: small folds of skin which contain oil glands and blood vessels ___________: opening for reproduction, menstruation and childbirth Clitoris: small knob of tissue that contains many nerve endings Urethral Opening: ______________________ ________________________________________
Internal Female Reproductive Organs Ovaries: two female sex glands that produce the mature ova and female hormones Fallopian Tubes: carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus (Fertilization takes place here.) Uterus: hollow muscular organ that receives, holds and nourished the fertilized ovum during pregnancy Endometrium: the lining of the uterus Cervix: opening of the uterus Vagina: elastic, muscle lined tube that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body
Menstrual Cycle Ovulation: process of releasing one mature ovum (egg) each month into a fallopian tube With each cycle, the uterus prepares for a possible pregnancy. Menstruation: _________________________ _______________________________________ -Cycle begins on the first day of bleeding. -Most females begin menstruating between the ______________________
Days of the Menstrual Cycle Days 1-8: The cycle begins with the first day of menstruation (bleeding) Days 9-13: The hormones FSH and LH cause an egg to mature in one of the ovaries Day 14: Ovulation (release of an egg) occurs Days 15-28: The egg travels through the fallopian tube to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized the cycle begins again.
Menstrual Health Care Hygiene - -Tampons, which are cylinders of absorbent material that are inserted into the vagina should also be changed frequently.
How to Deal with Menstrual Cycle Discomfort
Concerns About the Female Reproductive System PMS: Dysmenorrhea: severe menstrual cramps Amenorrhea: Infertility Infection: Cancer: Breast cancer/cervical cancer
Female Reproductive Health Discharge: the lining of the vagina are constantly being shed, this often causes a slight vaginal discharge. Pelvic Examination: recommends that females start yearly visits to a gynecologist (female doctor) after they become sexually active or no later than age 21 Breast Self-Examination