Figure 1. γ-Enolase protein spots identified by MALDI-TOF in the cerebral cortices from vehicle+sham, curcumin+sham, vehicle+middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), and curcumin+MCAO animals. Squares indicate the protein spots. The intensity of spots was measured using PDQuest software. The ratio of intensity is described as spots intensity of these animals to spots intensity of sham+vehicle animals. Data are shown as mean±S.E.M. *P<0.05. Figure 1. γ-Enolase protein spots identified by MALDI-TOF in the cerebral cortices from vehicle+sham, curcumin+sham, vehicle+middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), and curcumin+MCAO animals. Squares indicate the protein spots. The intensity of spots was measured using PDQuest software. The ratio of intensity is described as spots intensity of these animals to spots. . . Lab Anim Res. 2015 Dec;31(4):198-203.