More Words for Comparing (مقارنة) Language Note 3.6 More Words for Comparing (مقارنة)
Look at the examples with words for comparing (مقارنة).
These words can have the same meaning: more (than) above over
Look at the examples with words for comparing (مقارنة): For Sale!! 17,550 AED more (than) This car costs more than 17,500 AED. above The car costs above over The car costs over
Practice! Choose the correct answer (a, b, or c) for each question.
c) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED 1. Which meal costs more than 46 AED? a) b) c) c) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED
a) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs. 2. Which job makes above 25,000 dhs. every month? a) b) c) a) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs.
c) a) ON SALE $800 b) ONLY $1,000 c) FOR SALE $1,100 a) b) c) 3. Which bicycle has a cost of over $1,000? a) b) c) c) a) ON SALE $800 b) ONLY $1,000 c) FOR SALE $1,100
These words can have the same meaning: less (than) below under
Look at the examples with words for comparing (مقارنة): less (than) The table costs less than 1,500 AED. below The coat is now below 800 AED. under You can buy the TV for under 4,000 AED. For Sale: 1,250 AED 750 AED 3,500 AED
Practice! Choose the correct answer for each question.
b) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED 1. Which meal costs less than 45 AED? a) b) c) b) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED
c) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs. 2. Which job earns below 22,000 dhs. monthly? a) b) c) c) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs.
a) a) ON SALE $800 b) ONLY $1,000 c) FOR SALE $1,100 a) b) c) 3. Which bike has a price of under $1,000? a) b) c) a) a) ON SALE $800 b) ONLY $1,000 c) FOR SALE $1,100
We can use adjectives to compare three or more things.
Look at these adjectives: Adjectives for Comparing Adjective the + Adj. –est the most + Adj. new old newest oldest most expensive big small biggest smallest most crowded high low highest lowest most successful tall short tallest shortest most popular young youngest most useful cheap cheapest good best bad worst
Practice! Choose the correct answer for each question.
c) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED 1. Which meal is the most expensive? a) b) c) c) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED
b) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED 2. Which meal is the cheapest? a) b) c) b) a) 45 AED b) 25 AED c) 50 AED
a) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs. 3. Which job earns the highest salary (money from working) per month? a) b) c) a) a) Paid: 32,000 dhs. b) Paid: 23,000 dhs. c) Paid: 21,000 dhs.
b) a) FOR SALE $22,350,000 b) ONLY $235,000 c) FOR SALE $2,235,000 4. Which home has the lowest price? a) b) c) b) a) FOR SALE $22,350,000 b) ONLY $235,000 c) FOR SALE $2,235,000
a) a) 1995 b) 1990 c) 1993 was born in a) b) c) 5. Who is the youngest? a) b) c) a) a) was born in 1995 b) 1990 c) 1993
6. Who is the oldest? a) b) c) b) a) was born in 1995 b) 1990 c) 1993
c) a) b) c) a) b) c) 25.3 kg 24.8 kg 25.6kg 7. Which bag is the heaviest? a) b) c) c) a) 25.3 kg b) 24.8 kg c) 25.6kg
8. Which is the most useful? a) b) c) b) a) b) c)
a) 25% believe it’s the best say it’s their favorite 9. Which course is the most popular with students at Everton University? a) b) c) c) a) 25% believe it’s the best b) 45% enjoy it the most c) 75% say it’s their favorite
a) a) b) c) a) 322 km per hour b) 289 km/hr c) 305 km per hr 10. Which car is the fastest? a) b) c) a) a) 322 km per hour b) 289 km/hr c) 305 km per hr
a) a) b) c) a) Burj Khalifa (over 828 m) b) Eiffel Tower 11. Which is the tallest? a) b) c) a) a) Burj Khalifa (over 828 m) b) Eiffel Tower (around 300 m) c) Taipei 101 (about 508 m)
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