Regulatory issues for SRDs in 863 – 870 MHz Presentation Plan Current Rules for SRD in 863 – 870 MHz CEPT EC UK Future activities in the 865 – 868 MHz band EC Decision on RFID 2006/804/EC ETSI Future Plans Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
CEPT SRD regulations (Voluntary) In CEPT countries ECC Recommendation 70-03 applies In some (10) CEPT countries the whole 862 to 870 MHz band is allocated to general SRD use In addition there are a number of different sub-bands with different rules that apply on a national basis across 862 – 870 MHz Each sub band may include additional channel plan and size restrictions. See for countries implementation of Rec. 70-03 Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
EC SRD Rules (Mandatory) EC Decision 2006/771/EC mandates SRD use in various sub-bands 868 – 868.6 MHz (25mW:up to 1% duty cycle) 868.7 – 869.2 MHz (25mW:up to 0.1% duty cycle) 869.4 – 869.65 MHz (500mW:up to 10% duty cycle) 869.7 - 870 MHz (5mW:no duty cycle restriction) Each sub band may include additional channel plan and size restrictions Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
UK SRD Rules In addition to the EC decision UK allow 869.3 – 869.4 MHz (10mW: 10% duty cycle) See UK IR2030 for UK for further details Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
EC Decision on RFID 2006/804/EC EC Authorised 865 to 868 MHz for RFID in 2005 – Building on the technical parameters stated in ECC Recommendation 70-03 Rules include; Sub-band A: 865-865.6 MHz 100 mW max e.r.p. Sub-band B: 865.6-867.6 MHz 2 W max e.r.p. Sub-band C: 867.6-868 MHz 500 mW max e.r.p. 200 kHz Channels RFID only have been allocated this spectrum in the EC Decision. SRDs are only allocated this spectrum nationally on a voluntary basis in around 10 CEPT countries (Not UK) Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
ETSI SRD Doc for CEPT The ETSI groups for SRD and RFID, working together on a Systems Reference Document with a new proposed band plan . (SRDoc) SRDoc will go forward to CEPT where a segmentation of the 865 – 868 MHz band will be studied, giving both SRD low power and RFID higher power apparatus their own bands and consequently remove the need for the stringent politeness restrictions. ETSI believe there are potential benefits to both RFID and SRD communities. For more information see documentation for ETSI ERM TG34 Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK
Questions Useful links UK Regs R&TTE FAQ ETSI SRDoc http://portal Any further questions should be sent to Andy Gowans/Mark Austin – OFCOM UK