Chapter 3
Mental and Emotional Health People with good mental and emotional health are easily able to accept themselves and others vs. people who have bad emotional health These people are also able to Adapt easily in various everyday life situations Adapt – Being able to adjust to new situations What situations did you have to adapt to recently?
What Makes You Unique?
Personality Your Teen years make a critical stage when you begin to develop qualities in which you begin to learn more about your self. You also begin to form your own values and understanding the importance of standing behind them. Personality – The unique combination of feelings, thoughts and behaviors that makes you different from everyone else.
Self Concept Self Concept – The view you have of yourself; which encompasses how you believe others view/see you. The environment in which you live affects your personal health, which influences your self concept. Self concept begins to form in early childhood and grows as you begin school as your experiences, relationships with those around you (including family, peers and teachers) will influence your self concept.
Self - Esteem Self – Esteem - The way you feel about yourself and how you value yourself. Your Personality and Self Concept affect the way you feel about yourself. When you have a high self – esteem you feel appreciated and valued as a person, which enables you to feel a high degree of confidence in your abilities to meet new challenges and face them with a “can do” attitude.
Self- Esteem cont. Resilience – The ability to bounce back from disappointment. Enables you to get back on your feet after disappointment and keep moving forward Building Self-Esteem – Can improve overall level of mental and emotional health; this includes: Listing your strengths Remember that everyone makes mistakes Motivate yourself
Understanding Your Emotions Section 2 Understanding Your Emotions
What Are Emotions? Emotions – Feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks and events. Common emotions include : Anger, fear, happiness, empathy, jealousy, love, sadness and sympathy. The way you express your emotions affects your mental, emotional, social and physical health.
Picture Challenge Take 30 seconds to observe each photo and write down how you feel and what your emotions are after each one
Expressing Anxiety Anxiety – A state of Uneasiness, usually associated with a future uncertainty. It can interfere with normal and necessary functions like sleeping and eating Panic – A feeling of sudden, intense fear List 3 things that give you anxiety
Fear Fear – Your mind and body’s alert system. Fear of failure is detrimental to someone's emotional and physical health However expressing fear is not always negative, it can help keep you safe from danger.
Expressing Anger Showing anger is not only normal, its is also an important emotional release However it must be done in a positive fashion, not by using threats, sarcasm or other negative forms, these will only worsen the problem
Health skills activity When emotions are high remember to : Take a deep breath Identify source of anger When you are calm, tell someone the situation Write down your thoughts in a journal Do a physical activity Keep a sense of humor
Group Activity In groups , role – play a situation where one or more members of your group is upset over something User anger management skills to express your anger in a healthy way
Defense mechanisms Two types : Denial and Displacement Denial – refusing to accept what is real Displacement – Taking your feelings out on someone other than the person who hurt you. Sublimation – Taking strong feelings like anger or sadness and using them in a positive way
Recognizing emotional needs Emotional needs – Needs that affect your feelings and sense of well being. 3 main emotional needs : The need to love and be loved The need to belong The need to make a difference
Group Activity In groups , provide examples on how you can meet the three main emotional needs