Welcome to my presentation On “Snapshot of global pv markets From Start to till now’’.
Chittagong University of Engineering &Technology Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Presented by: Ataur Rahman ID No:12MEE027P Submitted To : Dr. Mahmud Abdul Matin Professor Department of EEE
Energy demand and PV: World wide energy used in 2014 averaged is 17 TW Energy demand and PV: World wide energy used in 2014 averaged is 17 TW.The predicted energy consumption for 2050 will amount as much as 30TW.
Photovoltaic research progresses rapidly from the lab to the market GENERAL OVERVIEW PV was recognized as an important source of space power in the 1950s, Terrestrial PV development began in response to the 1970s oil crises. PV is a several-billion-dollar industry worldwide, with more than 520 MW of PV modules shipped in 2002. REF: article http://oemagazine.com/FromtheMagazine/apr03/tutorial.html Photovoltaic research progresses rapidly from the lab to the market . By Lawrence Kazmerski and Thomas Surek, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Concept of IEA PVPS: The international energy agency(IEA),founded in 1974.The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS) is one of the collaborative research and development agreements within the IEA. The mission of the programme is to “enhance the international collaborative efforts which facilitate the role of photovoltaic solar energy systems.”
Applicable semiconductor materials> Cell Efficiencies PV technology basics Applicable semiconductor materials> Cell Efficiencies silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs), cadmium telluride (CdTe), copper indium diselenide (CIS), hydrogenated amorphous silicon. There are significant differences between the best performance and the theoretically predicted value for each material; closing these gaps is the subject of ongoing research (see figure).
Growth of Solar PV – Market Share attributed to Lease http://apps3.eere.energy.gov/greenpower/onsite/solar_financing.shtml MORE RECENT NUMBERS. It is estimated though that Third-party PV system will peak at 68% of total residential PV installations in 2014, and start levelling out, falling slightly as direct ownership will become more competitive (cheaper PV systems, lower financing rates) (U.S. Residential Solar Financing: 2014–2018, GTM Research). Estimated that in 2018, 63% of residential PV will be TPO, and 37% will be customer owned. TOTAL CAPACITY INSTALLED PV industry installed 12 GW of grid-connected PV up through 2013., 82% of which was installed in the last 3 years (IREC http://www.seia.org/sites/default/files/resources/Final-Solar-Report-7-3-14-W-21.pdf) PRICING FOR RESIDENTIAL PV Pricing for PV in 2012, on averaged $5.30/Watt (owned and leased residential). Likely in the $4.00 range in 2014. (LBNL Tracking the Sun IV). SEIA estimates it at ~4.80/Watt at the end of 2013 (by quarter, owned and leased residential)
B8.7 Photovoltaic power Photovoltaic systems: Trends: Prices Price /Wp ~ €27 in 1983, Cost of electricity generated is about 20 p/kWh in sunny climes (44 p/kWh in temperate)
B8.7 Photovoltaic power Photovoltaic systems: Trends: market size
B8.7 Photovoltaic power Photovoltaic systems: Trends: market size
PVPS Market in 2013 The global PV market grew to at least 36.9 GW in 2013, compared to around 29 GW in the last two years. Asia ranks in first place in 2013 with more than 59% of the global PV market. - The market in Europe has decreased significantly from 22 GW in 2011 to 17 GW in 2012 and 10.3 GW in 2013.
Continued……… - In the top 10 countries, there are 4 Asia-Pacific countries (China, Japan, India, Australia), 5 European countries (Germany, Italy, UK, Greece and Romania), and one country in the Americas region (USA). - 17 countries had at least 1 GW of cumulative PV systems capacity at the end of 2013 and 9 countries installed at least 1 GW in 2013.
A SNAPSHOT OF GLOBAL PV: 2014, Chinese solar PV market, which despite missing many publicized targets, reached over 10 GW in 2014. Add to this the rapid growth of Japan’s solar PV industry, which hit 9.7 GW in 2014. On the other hand, the European market continued to decline in 2014. Germany declined again, to 1.9 GW in the year. South Africa became the first African country to install close to 1 GW in 2014. North America saw growth again, with the US reaching 6.2 GW.
The top 10 countries in 2014 In the major evolutions, 5 of the top 10 markets for PV in 2014 have installed at least 1 GW of PV systems (down from 9 in 2013). Looking at the total installed capacity, 20 countries are entering the 1 GW club.
FUTURE PROSPECTS IN PVPS COUNTRIES In PVPS countries, several Asian countries have announced their intention to continue developing PV, and the market remains steady in North America where it could continue to grow at a reasonable pace. In Europe, the picture is more contrasted with a complex process of transitioning from the current financially supported market to a more competitive PV market. All these elements considered together should maintain the PV market in an upward trend in the coming years.
CONCLUSION PV technology today has become a major actor in the electricity sector in several countries. Globally, at least 200 TWh, or 200 billion kWh will be produced in 2015 by PV systems installed and commissioned until January 2015. This represents about 1% of the electricity demand of the planet, though some countries have reached rapidly significant percentages.
REFFERENCE http://www.google.com.bd/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCIQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhelapco.gr%2Fpdf%2FPVPS_report_-_A_Snapshot_of_Global_PV_-_1992-2014.pdf&ei=2WdsVeqkJJaIuAT1xIC4Dw&usg=AFQjCNGuzRIqtuo6U1NpwKnXPIDJGW0pjA&bvm=bv.94455598,d.c2E https://www.google.com.bd/search?q=2014+snapshot+of+global+pv+market&client=firefox-beta&hs=gK5&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=TUNsVYjeF9LkuQS-goLIAg&ved=0CDwQsAQ&biw=1366&bih=634#imgrc=VK0m6rFN3PAe-M%253A%3BMCMTXFBFkk3gdM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fc1cleantechnicacom.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com%252Ffiles%252F2015%252F04%252Ftop-10-solar-countries.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcleantechnica.com%252F2015%252F04%252F07%252Fsolar-pv-already-impacting-business-models-of-utilities-around-the-world%252F%3B1207%3B654 http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/iea-pvps--177-gw-of-pv-installed-worldwide_100018832/#axzz3boGQjsdR m.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/adb-to-fund-500-mw-bangladesh-pv-project_100003303/1