Why diversity marketing? product What you do image What you say Why diversity marketing? Where you do it Environment How you behave culture
What you stand for product Image Heritage & art Where you do it Environment How you behave culture
Big Idea Inside: Focus and drive Image: idea that drives everything you do Big Idea True, simple & important idea Outside: Desirable & different
Intercultural Acknowledge both similarities and differences between people
ABCD Autobiography Biography Conflict Dialogue
Personal life histories Recognize conflict Dialogue is more rewarding than conflict
Art and Heritage intercultural Reflect similarities Reflect differences Art and Heritage intercultural individuals groups
Identify groups Reflect similarities Reflect differences individuals
Every individual is unique Every person has a right to culture One person belongs to different groups
Identity Is multifaceted Develops in relation to others Changes according to the situation, context, stage in life
Experience changes identities A person belongs to several groups The firefighter Mathew Spotp tatood the ext In memory of our fallen hero’s a tribute to the firefighters that died 9 11. The experience of his day is now part of his identity.
Identify groups with respect Reflect similarities Reflect differences Identify groups with respect individuals groups
Some numbers The Netherlands 16 million inhabitants Migrants (born abroad or child of one parent born abroad) 2.9 million or 18% from ‘non-western’ countries 1.5 or 10% Amsterdam 54 % Dutch origin Rotterdam 55 % Utrecht 30 %
Largest groups Indo Dutch 406.000 Germans 403.000 Turkish 300.000 Surinamese 300.000 Moroccans 250.000 Antilles 100.000 Moluccans 45.000 Africans 140.000 Latino’s 87.000
Why should museums attract a diverse audience?
Why should museums attract a diverse audience? Art & heritage is diverse; to present it that way is only fair Diversity is part of our identity Why should museums attract a diverse audience? Sociale inclusion Reflect demographics Learn from history- democratic values 5 p’s: places, persons, price, product, promotion
Delftshaven customers of windmill
Tilburg Museum of textile Women from the area work together with artist
Rijksmuseum Outreach
Wedding ceremonies in Rotterdam Historical Museum Transnational Culture Wedding ceremonies in Rotterdam Historical Museum of Hybridiseren, omvormen tot een transnationale cultuur. Migrants often are key figures in theis process. Kunst van migranten wordt beschouwd als volkskunde (zelfs stukken die Felix in de tt slavernij gebruikte zijn later in het volkenkundig musuem bewaard en nu in tt)
Value: We share difference product Heritage is diverse Works of art exist to be shown Value: We share difference Heritage is everywhere In own environment Everyone is welcome