MUNFW Conference April 8-12, 2011
Contact Information If you need help or have any questions, please feel free to email or text me Elizabeth Thuenen OR 480-272-5211 Stephen Protasiewicz OR 480-204-3556
Important Dates November 1: Issue Book posted to under Annual Sesssion Issue Book November 15: 1st Draft of Policy Statement due as your bid for the committee and country of your choice
Country Research CIA World Factbook Country Reports Contains basic information on each country Country Reports Also contains basic information on each country
Topic Research Issue Book UN Homepage or Homepage for your committeee Research should begin by reading the issue book for the topics of your committee UN Homepage or Homepage for your committeee This will give you additional background for your specific topic so you can write the first paragraph of your policy statement
Topic Research Permanent Mission to the UN Voting Bloc Finding this site will help you find the previous action and official policy to write the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs Voting Bloc Finding out who your country tends to vote with will aid you in determining previous and future action by your committee
Policy Statements The policy statement is 1 page long, single spaced and separated by 3 paragraphs 1st Paragraph gives the history of the problem and the international action taken on it 2nd Paragraph gives the history of how your particular country has attempted to resolve the problem within its own country and internationally 3rd Paragraph is what your country wants to see done by other Member States or UN entities
1st Paragraph What is the issue? Why is it a problem? Who and what does it affect? What have United Nations entities, or other entities done to deal with the issue? What treaties cover the issue? It is important to remember that this paragraph is written in perspective of your nation. For example, a history paper on WWII would be written in differently from the perspective of someone in the US than someone in Japan or Germany
2nd Paragraph How does it affect your nation? What actions has your nation taken to deal with the issue? What resolutions has your nation supported or introduced on the issue? What treaties is your nation a signatory to? In this paragraph, it is important that you never indicate anything that is going wrong with your country. From your point of view, your country can do no wrong.
3rd Paragraph This paragraph should be clear on exactly what your country would like to propose for policy as a solution for this topic Call attention to already-existing resolutions and treaties that your nation believes other states should sign on to Give an overview of what your nation wants done, how it should get done, and who should do it and when it should be done by This paragraph is the basis for your resolution, so the phrasing should be consistent with how you would phrase your objectives within a resolution