Engaging the Village in Raising the Children: Educators for Peaceful Classrooms and Communities California Association for the Education of Young Children, Ontario, Ca, March 24, 2017 Engaging the Village in Raising the Children: Resources for teachers in building a village to develop Peace Education with children. Time: 2 minutes All Welcome Wilma 3 minutes Joyce Daniels, Wilma Gold, & Marilyn Shelton Veronica Hernandez, Laura Hyatt, Timothy Bongco
Audience? Who is here? Classroom teachers Administrators Students Family child care Other related jobs …. Time: 2 minute Joyce, We will ask these questions
EPCC BELIEF STATEMENT We teach values of respect, diversity, justice and the importance of each person’s perspective. Valuing peace and collaboration is the core of our work. As educators, we are responsible for imparting the values of peace to young children as they are the keepers of the future. Time: 3 minutes Marilyn read and how we created it through collaboration
What is the difference between peace education and classroom management? Time: 4 minutes Marilyn. Table groups discuss for two minutes. Then have a few share out. What is Classroom management? Respond to ideas from audience all group discussion. Share out. Next slide is our working definition on peace education.
Peace Education Peace education is . . . both a philosophy and a process. . . The process involves empowering people with the skills, attitudes and knowledge to create a safe world and build a sustainable environment. The philosophy teaches nonviolence, love, compassion and reverence for all life. I.M. Harris & M.L. Morrison, Peace Education (2003) Time: 3 minutes Marilyn. Here’s a working definition of Peace Education that we use: READ SLIDE: Peace Education works toward a change in consciousness –we work toward developing a new culture (which we refer to as a “culture of peace”) that recognizes that humans are part of the web of life – that we are interconnected and inner-dependent upon one another and upon our natural world. The Hague Appeal for Peace Global Campaign for Peace Education states: A culture of peace will be achieved when citizens of the world understand global problems, have the skills to resolve conflicts and struggle for justice non-violently, live by international standards of human rights and equity, appreciate cultural diversity, and respect the EARTH and each other. Such learning can only be achieved with systematic education for peace.”
What support do you wish was available to you? Where do you go for support to teach peace education to children and families? What support do you wish was available to you? Time: 4 minutes Joyce, ask the two questions, table groups, some reporting out.
Resource Organizations AFC, TRUCE, DEY, EPCC, P.E.A.C.E., CCFC, CMN, Peace Camps, and Peace Library Time: 3 minutes Wilma , Education alphabet soup. We want to share resources for Weaving to building your village . These are some of the organizations that are there for you. We have selected these for you as we have personal relations with them. There are others. Later we will discuss, as a learning community, other resources that you have in your community. Questions will be taken after presenting all of the resources.
Alliance for Childhood: Research and Advocacy www.allianceforchildhood.org/ AFC promotes policies and practices that support children's healthy development, love of learning, and joy in living. Information about projects and how to help. Time: 5 minutes Joyce
Teachers Resisting Unhealthy Children’s Entertainment http://www.truceteachers.org/ TRUCE is a grassroots organization of educators who prepare materials and provide information to help parents and educators work to counteract the harmful impact of commercial culture, media, and marketing on children's play, learning, and behavior. Time: 5 minutes Wilma
Defending the Early Years https://www.deyproject.org/ Defending the Early Years (DEY) seeks to rally educators to take action on policies that impact the education of young children. The principal goals of the project are: Time: 5 minutes Joyce
http://www.educatorsforpeacefulclassroomsandcommunities.org/ EPCC Mission: As Educators, our mission is to impart the values of peace to the community, families, and most of all to children, as they are keepers of the future. We believe that a way to accomplish that end is to start by education young children, teachers, and families in ways of being peaceful. Time: 5 minutes Laura
Peace Educators Allied for Children Everywhere (P.E.A.C.E.) http://www.peaceeducators.org/ P.E.A.C.E., formerly known as CEASE, is a network of parents, teachers and other concerned individuals dedicated to helping young children and their caregivers develop and thrive in peace and well-being. Time: 5 minutes Veronica
. http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/ Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood . http://www.commercialfreechildhood.org/ CCFC is a national coalition of health care professionals, educators, advocacy groups, parents, and individuals who care about children. Headquartered in Boston, CCFC is the only national organization devoted to limiting the impact of commercial culture on parents. Time: 5 minutes Joyce
https://childrensmusic.org/ The Children's Music Network celebrates the positive power of music in the lives of children by sharing songs, exchanging ideas and creating community. Time: 5 minutes Veronica
Peace Camps: http://www.ocpeacecamp.com http://www.japeacecamp.org Time: 10 minutes Tim, Veronica, Laura and/or Joyce [Waiting for Laura’s peace camp info to add] http://www.ocpeacecamp.com
http://www.childpeacebooks.org/cpb/ The Children's Peace Education & Anti-Bias Library http://www.childpeacebooks.org/cpb/ The Children's Peace Education project is a home and classroom curriculum for young children and is also a library of specially selected books to teach peacemaking with young children between one and six years of age. Time: 5 minutes Wilma
Which of these organizations may be helpful for you in your work? How will you use this new information? Time: 5 minutes Marilyn
What are your questions for members on the panel? Time: 5 minutes Marilyn Tie organizations back to our title Resources for teachers in building a village to develop Peace Education with children. Then open it up for questions
May the force of PEACE be with you!