Chapter 10 Distributed Shared Memory Introduction Design and implementation issues Sequential consistency and IVY Release consistency and Munin Summary
10.1 Introduction to DSM Why DSM (Distributed Shared Memory)? - Message passing is complex (dropped msgs, etc) - Hard to pass complex data structures in RPCs - Shared-memory multiprocessors easier to program(such as synchronization) - Processes communicating via DSM may execute with non-overlapping lifetimes - But multicomputers easier to build and cheaper What is Distributed shared memory? - Processors share a virtual address space(VAS) - Perhaps there is no global memory - Perhaps they have private memories - Private memories cache pages from VAS - May need consistency between memory caches
Main approaches to DSM? - Hardware-based: rely on specialized hardware - Page-based: as a region of virtual memory occupying the same address range in the address space of every participating process - Library-based: library calls are responsible for accessing DSM and maintaining consistency Example: Mether system program #include “world.h” #include “world.h” struct shared { struct shared { int a,b; int a,b; } } Program Writer: Program Reader: main() main() { { struct shared *p; struct shared *p; methersetup(); methersetup(); p = (struct shared*) METHERBASE; p = (struct shared*) METHERBASE; p->a = p->b = 0; while(TRUE){ while(TRUE){ printf(“a=%d,b=%d\n”, p->a, p-b); p->a = p->a + 1: sleep(1); p->b = p->b - 1; } } } }
10.2 Design and implementation issues Structure - Byte-oriented - Shared objects - Immutable data Synchronization model - A distributed synchronization service needs to help applications to apply constraints concerning the values in DSM. Example: (two processes share a & b) constraints: a=b initially: a=b=0 a ++; b ++; Consistency model - It’s different from the above synchronization model.
Consistency model - Example: two processes accessing shared variables Process 1 Process 2 br:=b; a:=a+1; ar:=a; b:=b+1 if (ar>=br) then printf(“OK”); Could ar =0, br=1 occur? If occur, is it right? - A contract between software and memory - If software obeys certain rules, memory provides certain guarantees - The fewer guarantees, the better the performance - some consistency models strict consistency, sequential consistency, causal consistency, weak consistency, release consistency
Sequential consistency Strict consistency - Any read to location x returns most recent value stored in x - We expect this on uniprocessors - Assumes absolute global time - Is this even possible in a distributed system? - What if two writes from processors are a ns apart? - Use locking and critical sections instead Sequential consistency - Slightly weaker - from Lamport 1979 - Any interleaving of operations is okay, but they must satisfy the following conditions: all the reads and writes issued by the individual processes concerned are satisfied in program order; the memory operations belonging to different processes occur in some serial order - Programmer-friendly, but slow
- Example: An example serialization under sequential consistency Process 1 Process 2 br:=b; a:=a+1; ar:=a; b:=b+1 if (ar>=br) then printf(“OK”); Could ar =0, br=1 occur under sequential consistency model? Time read write Causal consistency - Only concerned with events that are potentially causally related - Causally-related writes must be seen by all processes in same order - Concurrent writes can be seen in different orders - Example: In a newsgroup, there are 3 messages: Msg 1: Does anyone know the time of our next meeting? Msg 2: 3 pm Msg 3: A good recipe for mushrooms stuffed with salmon is ... - Msg 1 & 2 are causally related, Msg 3 is not Msg 2 wouldn’t make sense unless you’d received Msg 1 already Msg 3 makes sense anytime
Weak consistency Example: valid ordering P1: W(x) 1 W(x) 2 S - Not all applications even to see writes - Example: writes in critical section - Who cares what order others see them, they shouldn’t look! - Need synchronization variable - Synch. Var. Accesses are sequentially consistent - Synchronize memory only at synchronization points - Accessing a synch. Var. “flushes the pipeline” - No data access allowed until all previous synch. Accesses have been performed - To get consistent value, do a synch before read Example: valid ordering P1: W(x) 1 W(x) 2 S P2: R(x) 1 R(x) 2 S P3: R(x) 2 R(x) 1 S invalid ordering P2: S R(x) 1
Release consistency Example: valid ordering - When synch done before, is this end of writes or beginning of reads? - Had to finish local writes and gather remote ones - Release consistency fixes this - Two kinds of synch. Accesses - Acquire means you’re about to enter critical section - Release means you’ve exited critical section - Can also use barrier synchronization Example: valid ordering P1: Acq(L) W(x) 1 W(x)2 Rel(L) P2: Acq(L) R(x) 2 Rel(L) P3: R(x) 1 - Eager versus lazy release consistency Eager: process doing the release pushes modified data to all processors with cached copies But do they all need it? Lazy: pull most recent values upon acquire With a critical section in a loop, this saves a lot!
Update options DSM using write-update printf(“after”); P1 P2 P3 - How to propagate updates? => Write-update vs write-invalidate - Write-update multiple-reader-multiple-writer sharing memory consistency model mainly depends on multicast ordering property DSM using write-update a:=7 b:= 7; if(b=8) then printf(“after”); If(a=7)then b:=b+1 ... P1 time time P2 If(b=a)then printf(“before”); P3 time
Granularity Thrashing Data items laid out over pages A B Page n -Write-invalidate multiple-reader-single-writer sharing this scheme can achieve sequential consistency Granularity - Page-based implementation - large or small? - False sharing Data items laid out over pages A B Page n Thrashing - occurs when several processes compete for the same data item, or for falsely shared data items.
10.3 Sequential consistency and Ivy The system model Process accessing paged DSM segment Page faults Kernel Pages transferred over network - sequential consistent, page-based DSM - paging is transparent to the processes - DSM run time restricts page access permissions: none, read-only or read-write.
Write-invalidation - Can’t use write-update, why? Write protected Page fault write permission Trace mode trace exception handler - Write invalidation Page protection: read-only permission & read/write permission owner & copyset State transitions under write-invalidation Multiple reader Single writer R W (invalidation) R W (invalidation) Note: R = read fault occurs; W= write fault occurs
- Write fault handling procedure is as follows: The page is transferred to Pw’s(Pw is a process which attempts to write a page p) kernel, if it does not already have an up-to-date read- only copy. All other copies are invalidated: the page permissions are set to no- access at all members of copyset(p). copyset(p) := {Pw}. owner(p) := Pw. The kernel maps the page with read-write permissions into Pw’s address space, and Pw is restarted.
- Read fault handling procedure is as follows: The page is copied from owner(p) to Pr’s(Pr is a process which attempts to read a page p) kernel. If owner(p) is a single writer, then its access permission for p is set to read-only access and it remains as p’s owner.. copyset(p) := copyset(p) {Pr}. Pr’s kernel maps the page with read-only permissions into Pr’s address space, and Pr continues. - Two problems remain to be addressed: How to locate owner(p) for a given page p? Where to store copyset(p)?
- The approaches to these problems Li Kai described include: centralized manager algorithm fixed distributed page management multicast -based distributed management dynamic distributed management Centralized manager algorithm Faulting process (i.e. client) Current owner 3. Page 2. Requestor, page no., access 1. Page no., access(R/W) Page Owner no. ...... ...... Manager
Fixed distributed page management - pages are divided statically among multiple managers, but processes maybe don’t access the pages equally. Using multicast to locate the owner - If two or more clients request the same page at more or less the same time, we must ensure that each client must obtain the page eventually! 3 Owner(p) O 1 2 Client C2 Client C1 4
A dynamic distributed manager algorithm - allows page ownership to be transferred between kernels - to divide the overheads of locating pages among the computers that access them - probable owner of p, or probOwner(p) is just a hint - the owner of a page is located by following chains of hints - hints are updated and requests are forwarded as follows: when a kernel transfers ownership of page p to another kernel, it updates probOwner(p) to be the recipient. when a kernel(not the owner) handles an invalidation request for a page p, it updates probOwner(p) to be the requester. when a kernel that has requested read access to a page p receives it, it updates probOwner(p) to be the provider. when a kernel receives a request(whether it’s for read access or write access ) for a page p that it does not own, it forwards the request to probOwner(p), and resets probOwner(p) to be the requester.
B A C D E Owner B A C D E Owner B A C D E Owner (a) probOwner pointers just before process A takes a page fault for a page owned by E B A C D E Owner (b) Write fault:probOwner pointers after A’s write request is forwarded. B A C D E Owner (c) Read fault:probOwner pointers after A’s read request is forwarded.
periodically broadcasting the current owner’s location to all kernels - optimization 1 periodically broadcasting the current owner’s location to all kernels to reduce the average length of pointer chains. Simulation results: Page faults per broadcast average length of pointer chains 1024 3.64 2.34 256 - optimization 2 a client can obtain a copy from any kernel with a valid copy owner 1 2 3 Some invalidations can occur in parallel! 4 5 6 7 8
10.4 Release consistency and Munin - Sequential consistency is costly to implement 1、using multicasts; 2、locating the owner of a page. - Release consistency is weaker than sequential consistency and cheaper to implement, but has reasonable semantics. E.g., DASH, Munin Re-examine release consistency - its idea is to reduce DSM overhead by exploiting the fact that programmers use synchronization objects - ordinary accesses(to DSM) vs synchronization accesses - its main guarantee is as follows: All ordinary memory access issued prior to a release have taken effect at all other processes before the release completes - including those accesses issued prior to the preceding acquire - by using appropriate synchronization accesses, it can give equivalent results to executions under sequential consistency model
- Munin’s synchronization objects >> acquireLock, releaseLock and waitAtBarrier E.g., Process 1: Process 2: acquireLock(); /*enter critical section*/ acquireLock(); /*enter critical section*/ a:= a+1; printf(“the values of a & b are:”,a,b); b:= b+1; releaseLock(); /*leave critical section*/ releaseLock(); /*leave critical section*/ Advantages of release consistency: - to avoid some blocking of processes - to delay some communication until a release occurs
Munin - Shared memory programs on shared distributed memory multiprocessors, in this case a workstation cluster - Release consistent memory and eager approach Munin sends update or invalidation information as soon as a lock is released - Multiple consistency protocols, parameterized according to some options, such as: whether to use a write-update or write-invalidate protocol whether the data item has a fixed owner whether or not to delay updates or invalidations - Annotate shared variables with expected access patterns, examples: read-only - replication on demand producer-consumer - update rather than invalidate write-shared - avoiding false-sharing and only the differences between the two versions are sent in an update
That’s it, thanks for your attention! In next class we’ll continue discussing: Chapter 11 Time and Coordination Synchronizing physical clocks Logical time and logical clocks Distributed coordination That’s it, thanks for your attention!