ALS2 Recertification Course Version: Jun 2016
Course Health & Safety includes but not limited to: Report Pre-existing Injury or any Injury Sustained During Course Immediately Latex/Food or other Allergy Defibrillator Safety Use equipment and facilities responsibly
ALS2 recertification course learning outcomes This course should enable you to: revise the standardised approach to CPR used in adults update your knowledge on the resuscitation guidelines refresh your knowledge and practical skills utilise non-technical skills to facilitate strong team leadership and effective team membership
Chain of survival Chain of Survival
Adult ALS algorithm
Update on clinical changes to resuscitation guidelines good team work – preparation and planning before attending an arrest high quality chest compressions with minimal interruptions minimise the pre-shock pause aim for < 5s team work and team leadership use of waveform capnography position of tracheal tube quality of chest compressions indication of ROSC
ALS2 recertification course format Manual Lecture Skill stations Cardiac Arrest Simulation (CAS) Teaching Including non-technical skills
ALS2 recertification course assessment practical skills (continuous assessment) airway management (associated resuscitation skills) high quality CPR and defibrillation MCQ cardiac arrest simulation (CASTest) provider certificate valid for four years
Making the course a success You make the course successful Working as a team Developing yourself and others Engagement and immersion Professionalism Probity Including Course Confidentiality
Any questions?
Summary refresh core practical skills and knowledge based on current guidelines manage a cardiac arrest by working with a multidisciplinary team in an emergency situation improve non-technical skills the ALS course teaches a standardised approach using several educational formats and assessment tools
Advanced Life Support Course Recertification Course Slide set All rights reserved © Australian Resuscitation Council (October 2016)