Project Purpose To inform others of the benefits of kickboxing and how it relates to living a healthy lifestyle. Give basic kickboxing techniques and examples. Show kickboxing’s various applications to other topics such as self-defense.
What is it? Kickboxing is a form of martial arts that combines boxing with a karate style known as Muay Thai. It incorporates the punches of boxing with the kicks of karate. Kickboxing has been recognized as a form of martial arts since 1979.
Step 1: Learning the Basics Basic Punches: -The Jab: a fast, straight punch thrown at the face. This is executed with the front (non-dominant) hand and quickly withdrawn for defense.
The Basics continued -The uppercut: a punch thrown from either of the boxer's hands to the chin of the opponent. The elbow should be at ninety degrees.
The Basics continued -The Cross/Cut: is a straight punch thrown with the dominant hand, slightly towards the opposite side. To accomplish this, rotate your upper body towards your non-dominant side as you deliver a cross, and lift the heel of your dominant foot to accommodate the movement.
Successes of Project 1.) Learning a new and enjoyable skill. 2.) Raising awareness about living a healthy lifestyle. 3.)Development of time-management skills, creativity and organization skills.
Difficulties of Project 1.) Becoming injured and altering project. 2.) Understanding physiological aspects involved with kickboxing. 3.) Developing correct techniques.
About My Mentor My mentor was Mr. Rick Banis, the owner of 9 Rounds kickboxing studio in Woodfin.
Research The topic for my research paper was obesity. Sections included: I.) What is Obesity? II.) History and Origin III.) Genetics IV.) Epidemic or Widespread Panic? V.) The Past, Present & Future of Obesity By researching obesity I was able to analyze the possible ramifications of not living a healthy lifestyle.
Expectations Learn how to execute basic movements. Learn how to apply these movements in self-defense situations. Discover a form of exercise that was interesting and exciting to perform.