Welcome to Research Wave/IACUC
https://tulane.oneramp.com/ User name and Password is the same as Tulane credentials
Research Wave Home page: -Quick links -Main Menu link
Form Preparation page: Begin drafting a new Protocol -Choose any section to start – do not have to do in numerical order View status
Form Preparation: The protocol is comprised of sections. You may select any section to begin. Save each section as you work. Add protocol assistants to complete sections if needed.
Upload any file type Check this box when the page is complete and a green check will appear for the section. If a field is not completed, you see a red error message. You do not have to complete a page to move onto the next section.
✅ Any changes made to a section with a green check will not be saved unless you click the Save Form button. You can also navigate back and forward at the bottom of each page.
Pull down the text box at the corner to expand
Upload your own table to show the Breeding Scheme. Breeding Scheme Table 1. Transgenic/ KO # males # females Strain #
? Use the help buttons for more information
We Removed requirement for database search for alternatives to painful and distressful procedures and replaced with Harm-Benefit Analysis questions. New Questions
Table 1 Experiment #1 Group A (n=) Group B (n=) Group C (n=) Pre-Infection List Procedures Day 0 Week/Month 1 Week/Month 2 Week/Month 3 Week/Month 4 Euthanasia List the endpoint of study
Teaching protocol? Section 7 questions differ based on the type of protocol selected.
Simply create an SOP for each procedure in lieu of typing a description and Upload
New forms can only be added once a protocol is Approved Add a New Form: - Forms are attached to one protocol. Therefore, you must select the protocol and click add new form New forms can only be added once a protocol is Approved
Amendment Form: Fields will be pre-populated with approved information from the parent protocol. Fields will initially appear grayed out. Select a section to change and the format will adjust to allow the user to edit fields. Protocol Assistants will be able to create and submit amendments. Once submitted, an automatic email message is sent to the PI requesting to complete the attestation. The PI must complete this step in order to submit the form to the IACUC for review.
Amendment Form:
Personnel Addition Form: -Adding and Removing personnel is easy -You will see the name of personnel added and removed
Lab Room Addition Form:
Research Wave User Home page -Quick links -Main Menu link Starred Items: Each PI can customize how to classify their forms. For example: All forms with blue stars belong to the same protocol including: protocol, amendments, personnel additions, etc.
Main Menu page -Protocol link: view all protocols -Forms link: view all forms and status of each form -Search by any word(s)
Main Menu: Protocols: This is a list of all protocols and status
Your Projects: -This screen allows you to view your protocol form status
Preferences: IACUC Portal Assistant: -Add a Portal Assistant to… IACUC Portal Assistant: Currently, IACUC is the only module in the system. As additional modules are added, this will allow you to have assistance to manage the system.
System Inbox Alerts: -Check your alerts Alerts will be generated and accessed using Research Wave. PI will receive email notification and be prompted to login to Research Wave IACUC Portal.
Protocol Details page: This is your Protocol -Additional Tab: New Tabs will appear as amendments, annual reviews etc. are submitted and can be accessed from this page. Research/Teaching Tab is your original Protocol. Forms will be given a random unique number, but they will not be sequential. Form Status will provide information as to process status of a protocol Workflow Steps: Click Form Preparation to edit protocol sections. Track you protocol through the submission process on this page. PDF: Make a PDF of form Delete Form: this can only be a choice prior to submission. Comments: All users with access to the protocol can view and make comments.
Protocol Summary page: -Protocol Assistant: Any person that PI needs to edit the protocol. Note that people entered as handling animals do not have access to the protocol. If you need lab personnel to edit the protocol you must enter them as a protocol assistant Protocol Assistants: Any personnel who needs access to create, edit and submit protocol related forms, must be added. Protocol assistants will be able to log-in to the system using their own Tulane credentials. If a protocol assistant submits a protocol, amendment or annual review, an alert message will be sent to the PI to complete the attestation. The PI must complete this step for the form to be submitted to the IACUC for review. Lab personnel, lab rooms and renewal protocols may be submitted by protocol assistants. The PI will not receive an alert message for these forms types. Approved lab personnel performing animal handling will not have access to make administrative edits to the protocol unless added as a protocol assistant.
Contact us to arrange a training session for a lab or department. We look forward to working with the research community during the transition to an online submission system. Please contact the IACUC office if you need assistance or have questions. Contact us to arrange a training session for a lab or department. iacuc@tulane.edu 504-988-6868