Music History Composer Research Project


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Presentation transcript:

Music History Composer Research Project All Piano Classes

The Project Each student will research an assigned composer from one of the historical periods of music discussed during the Music History Unit

The Product Each Students will produce a presentation that communicates the required information about their composer. Poster, prezi, powerpoint, speech, video, etc. Outline of notes is due Monday, April 22nd Final Projects are due by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3rd.

Required slides Composer Name, Dates of life, picture of the composer, Country/Region of origin, where they lived, Historical Period of Music. Early Life, musical background, training, family environment Composing Career, who did they work with, etc. where did they compose. What did they compose (symphonies, ballets, songs, operas, string quartets, concertos)

Required Slides Important or best known works. Include embedded audio clips, video clips or links to videos of their works. (2) Legacy- their impact on music world and other composers. Lasting legacy impact. When did works become popular. Interesting Facts, other information.

Intermediate Piano Your composer will be from a list of piano composers Important works MUST be for piano, either solo, or concerto, etc. Included with your important works needs to be a thorough description of the piece.

Sources NO WIKIPEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No copy and paste. Take the information and rewrite it in your own words. You must include as your last slide a list of the websites or books that you utilize as sources. Pay attention to the source, does it sound like a reputable source or are you looking at Jimmy Joe Bobs Beethoven fan page.

Composers Palestrina Schumann Puccini Byrd Liszt Mahler Monteverdi Wagner Debussy Purcell Verdi Sibelius Vivaldi Franck Vaughan Williams Rameau Smetana Rachmaninov Gluck Bruckner Schoenberg Weber Strauss Ravel Rossini Brahms Bartok Schubert Saint-Saens Stravinsky Donizetti Bizet Prokofiev Bellini Tchaikovsky Gershwin Berlioz Dvorak Shostakovich Mendelssohn Grieg Britten Chopin Elgar