Welcome to First Grade Open House 2017-2018 Contact Information Mrs. Cloud 3000 School House Rd Tallahassee, FL 32311 (850) 245-3700 email: jcloud@fsu.edu
Transportation Safety First! Changes in Transportation Car Tags and Pick-up Procedures When picking up a child from our "car pick-up area", one must have a car tag with the student's number and it must match the student's number. Cars must have the car tag that is visible for all; Parents, family members, siblings, friends, or other, walking up to the "car pick-up", must have a car tag that matches the student's companion tag on his or her backpack. If siblings are picking up, they must be leaving campus immediately. Safety First! While you may feel inconvenienced at times, our procedures are in place to keep our children safe! Changes in Transportation If there is a change in your child's regular afternoon transportation, please send a note or email. Without this, your child will continue with his or her regular routine.
Grading https://fl02000908.schoolwires.net/default.aspx?PageID=1 Subject Areas Reading/Writing Math Science Social Studies Citizenship Study Skills (classwork, AR reading homework) Grading https://fl02000908.schoolwires.net/default.aspx?PageID=1 Special Areas PE Digital Ed. Music Art Spanish Character Ed. Focus 90%-100% - A 80-89% - B 70-79%- C 60- 69%- D <59%- F Class/School Website Homework/Flip Videos School Resources Newsletters Student Code of Conduct Pupil Progression Plan (updated-coming soon) School Calendar
Attendance Call the attendance line at 245-3883 for each day that your child will be absent. You are also required to turn in a doctor's note to the front office in order for it to be excused in FOCUS. Prearranged absences for students can be submitted using the FSUS on-line system. The Prearranged Absence form can be found on Blackboard under Parent Tab. Tardy A student will be tardy at 8:01 A student will be marked tardy if picked up early. 8:01-8:15- Student walks to directly to classroom. 8:15 or later- Student MUST stop at the front office to check in and get pass to go the classroom Missed Work Missed work will be sent home when the student returns. He or she will have the number of days absent + one to complete and submit work.
General Classroom Information BIRTHDAY INVITATIONS Birthday invitations may be passed out in class only if all students receive an invitation. Clinic Our clinic is available to students during school hours. Students may not bring any medicine to school- Pepto, cough drops, or any other medication. If a student needs medicine, it must be taken to the clinic with a note from a guardian- our nurse will administer. CLASSROOM VISITATION Our classroom doors are always open and your help is always appreciated. In an effort to maintain a steady learning environment, please call ahead and be sure to check in at the front office. Student Code of Conduct Please carefully read the Student Code of Conduct Note: Dress Code: Specifically but not limited to spaghetti straps ,leggings, short shorts, tank tops, shoes appropriate for PE, etc.
Daily Notebook FRIDAY FOLDERS HOMEWORK FOLDERS PLANNERS Each student has a planner. This is daily communication tool for you and I to correspond with each other about changes in transportation, AR, behavior, and other important matters. I will write notes, comments, and reminders of upcoming events in the planner. Parents are to record your child's reading minutes along with the title of the book in this planner. I will check this planner daily for reading minutes, notes for AR quizzes, and parent signatures. This will part a percentage of your child's Study Skills grade. Student User ID and Passwords for School and Home- located in the plastic sleeve in the back of your child's planner FRIDAY FOLDERS Friday folders will come home weekly. They will include students work and important classroom information (including documents which need to be signed and the weekly newsletter). Please be sure to look through the folder and return it on MONDAY, empty. HOMEWORK FOLDERS Weekly homework will start on Monday. Students will receive homework folders with an assignment sheet on Monday. Homework folders should be completed and turned in at the beginning of school on Friday. *Math HW will be in the Math workbook. Tear the assigned pages and out and submit and keep the workbook at home. *Spelling Lists will also begin in September for first grade students and they will be tested on Fridays.
www.arbookfinder.com Accelerated Reader (AR) - Each student was given a Library Day; please make sure your child brings his or her books to exchange on that day. If he/she does not bring their books, they can go to the library during recess time. - AR quizzes can only be taken when a student has read a book 3 times. While you may read to your child, please have your child read also. You will need to write a note in your child's planner when he/she is ready to quiz (ex. "ready to quiz on Cat in the Hat") - I read aloud almost every day; when we complete our class book, we will quiz on it under my guidance- this will usually be a higher level book, but we do this together. - AR quizzes can only be taken one time and at school. If a student signs into a "wrong" book, I can get them out of the quiz with no penalties. - Students will be required to read and quiz on at least 1 book per week the first nine weeks. This will change to 2 or 3 books for the remainder of the year. - If the student finishes and quizzes on books and needs new books before his or her library day, they will be allowed to go and I also keep AR books in my classroom. To receive points towards your child's goal, his/her AR score must be 80% or above. Every student's goal the first nine weeks is 5.0 points. For the remainder of the year, your child's goals and book levels will be individualized based on his or her STAR test. - Weekly AR is part of your child's Work and Study Grades. - Students are expected to read (or be read to) at least 30 minutes each night.
Behavior Management Plan Thank you for being patient while I continue learning more about DoJo. I will use the messaging tool to communicate general information. I will use email for more specific information. DoJo points/percentages will contribute to your child’s Citizenship grade DoJo Store Based on the number points at the end of a day, your child will be given DoJo dollars. They can use these dollars at the end of the week to buy from our DoJo Store. There will be small items as well as tickets for privileges, such as homework passes, lunch with the teacher, etc. If you would like to contribute items for this, please pick up a “thing we need” at our door. Thank You!
Pearson Success Maker Lab Progress Monitoring SEMINOLE WRITES! Students will complete a formal writing assessment each 9 week grading period to measure competency in expository and narrative writing. In an ongoing effort for students to improve in writing, these assessments will be scored on a scale from 0-4. Reading Street Unit Assessments Fluency Word Lists Math Midpoint and Chapter STAR Pearson Success Maker Lab The students will be going to Pearson Lab everyday. This computer program is individualized for each student and provides immediate progress monitoring in reading and math. Your child's data will be discussed at your conference. MAPS NWEA (more information coming soon) STAR Students will take a STAR test in reading and math every nine week.
Membership forms can be found on our website. PTSA Florida State University Schools' Parent Teacher Student Association Please join PTSA and support the many activities sponsored by this wonderful organization. Membership forms can be found on our website. Family Fun Nights During the school year, there will many Family Fun Nights, such as Skate World . These are organized by PTSA in order for parents, children, and teachers to fellowship out of school. I encourage to participate in these activities because they are fun and help build our relationships. Box Tops Look for the Box Tops logo on hundreds of products like Cheerios®, Hamburger Helper® and Kleenex®, in almost every aisle of the store. All you need to do is clip and bring them to your classroom—- each one is worth 10¢ for your school.
To be STAR Student, your child will need…. What is STAR Student? Each week, I will draw a name to be our Star Student of the week. This is an exciting time for the children because it's a time when they can share personal stories with the class and bring in special things from home (small toy, family pictures, awards, etc). I will send home a canvas bag on Friday and your child should collect his or her things in the bag, and bring it in on Monday. To be STAR Student, your child will need…. Time Line Activity Please help your child complete the time line and return it by Monday, September 11. All About Me These 2 pages were sent home at Meet the Teacher. Citizenship Demonstrate positive and respectful behavior.
Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences Today, before you leave… “Things” We Need If you would like to contribute, we have a few wish list items on the desk at our door. Feel free to take one (or more). Thank You! Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences First Grade will be having a Conference Night on Thursday, Sept. 28 from 3:00-6:30. Please sign up on the schedule on the back table before you leave. These conferences will last about 15 minutes and we will discuss your child's data and goals for the year. Emergency Snacks Individually packaged snacks Do Jo Store Ideas Fancy pencils Cool Erasers Birthday party type “toys” Small toys (Dollar Tree) Anything your child would like to buy in our store
Wrapping Up Class Shirt: Put in safe place; to be worn at school events and field trips. (coming home soon) Daily Snack: Students eat lunch at 10:00; we have snack at 12:30. Please send in a snack daily. If you occasionally forget, I have emergency snacks. Curriculum Night 6:00-8:00 The first grade team will be presenting information, demonstrating activities, and answering questions. There will be 4- 5, 15- minute rotations in which you can participate. These are just a few topics... Homework/Flip Videos Policy and Procedures AR/Daily Reading Technology Contact Information Mrs. Cloud 3000 School House Rd Tallahassee, FL 32311 (850) 245-3700 email: jcloud@fsu.edu