Monday March 28, 2016 Planner: You Need: HW: Finish Act. 91 Analysis Questions You Need: Today: Daily 5- clear everything else Do Now: Trim and tape Activity 91 onto p. 83 of Notebook; Analysis on p. 82
Learning Target We can make observations of fossil footprints to draw inferences about animal behavior
82 83
Prelab - Read p. F 14-15 and answer questions
Fossil Footprints
Procedure p. F16-F17 1 card at a time
Table 1
Table 2
HW: Finish Activity 91 Analysis Questions PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR PLEASE!!!
Tuesday March 29, 2016 Planner: You Need: HW: None You Need: Today: Daily 5- clear everything else Do Now: Open to Activity 91 so we can be ready to discuss/correct
Learning Target We can make observations of fossil footprints to draw inferences about animal behavior
Procedure p. F16-F17 1 card at a time
Table 1
Table 2
Wednesday March 30, 2016 Planner: You Need: HW: None You Need: Today: Daily 5- clear everything else Do Now: Take a look at the 5 claims on the front page - are they all the same? Are some better than others?
Learning Target We can create a scientific explanation about our fossilized footprints in Activity 91
84 85
Genetics Claim, Evidence and Reasoning Let’s look at some examples: 5 Claims Please read them over and notice the differences
Best Claim - full credit
OK Claim - ½ credit
Genetics Claim, Evidence and Reasoning Let’s look at some examples: 4 Evidence (2 pieces)
Last 2 evidences Review them - so they support the claim?
Not full credit No lesson referenced General genetics concept about dominance, but nothing about puppies
Genetics Claim, Evidence and Reasoning Trim and tape onto p. 196 of your notebook
Claim Evidence and Reasoning Activity 91 C’s at table - come up and get new handout Trim and tape new handout Act. 91onto p. 85 of your notebook Genetics assessment on p. 196
Thursday March 31, 2016 Planner: You Need: HW: None You Need: Today: Daily 5- clear everything else Do Now: Trim and Tape Activity 93 onto p. 87; analysis on 86; Act. 91 ClEvR on p. 85
Learning Target Analyze core samples to determine which fossils are older and which are likely extinct
86 87
Swap Notebooks
Activity 91 - Possible Claims Two animals got into a fight and the bigger killed (ate, carried off or left) the smaller one. An offspring was playing with its parent and got tired and was carried away. Two animals were playing (or fighting) and the smaller one flew away (or hid).
Activity 91 - Possible Qualitative Evidence This evidence works for all 3 claims! There were two sets of footprints coming from different locations in card 1, then they were overlapping in card 2 and in card 3, there was only one set
Activity 91 - Possible Quantitative Evidence This evidence works for the first 2 claims! As seen in table 1, the footprint depth got about 2 cm deeper in card 3. This is consistent with the larger organism carrying the smaller one and creating a deeper print
Act. 93 Complete the warm-up
Introduction p. F-26 Read and fill in your pre-lab section of lesson
Law of Superposition
What do layers tell us?
Stratigraphic Column - rock type and fossils
Draw and label - rock and fossils TOP
Friday April 1, 2016 Planner: You Need: HW: Finish all of Activity 93 You Need: Today: Daily 5- clear everything else Do Now: Check that all 4 core sample drawings and labels are complete - rock layer and fossils
Learning Target Analyze core samples to determine which fossils are older and which are likely extinct
fern ammonite sandstone shale trilobite
Drill Core 2
Drill Core 3
Drill Core 4
Drill Core 4
Correlate! Rock layer width not important
Correlation – match!
Analysis Questions - Independent
Page F-7
Geologic Timeline Younge r Need to include our 4 fossils and era(s) in a timeline