Eagles Geography – Natural Disasters PSHE – Healthy Me! English Maths Build a model of a volcano. Research what it is like to live near a volcano. Explain how scientists record earthquakes and find out about the largest earthquake ever recorded. PSHE – Healthy Me! Plan, prepare and cook a healthy meal for someone at home. Design and complete an exercise programme of fitness to do at home for a week. Practice your netball skills, passing with a friend/parent and pivoting. English Write about your favourite character in Stig of the Dump, explaining why you like them. Invent a new game to help someone to learn their spellings. Find a poem to learn by heart and perform in front of the class. Maths Complete some baking at home where you are in charge of the measuring! Learn ‘30 days has September’ poem at home, recite to class to gain a house point. Write a timetable using 12 hour or 24 digital time of ten events you complete in a day, starting with what time you get up. Eagles