Lab 1 introduction, debrief Information Systems 337 Prof. Harry Plantinga Lab 1 introduction, debrief
Lab 1: Linux, Apache We’ll use Linux for this course First lab Set up your Linux environment Learn some Linux commands Configure apache Publish a first Web page
Virtual Machines Each student gets a VM from dreamhost Access via ssh E.g. aka aka Access via ssh Not in the domain? Connect through Set up public/private key pair Eventually, you’ll publish your site to a web host
Ubuntu Linux Basic commands: ssh ls, cd, pwd, mkdir mv, rm chown
Ubuntu Linux In Ubuntu Linux how would I… Log in to my computer remotely? List the files in my home directory? Create a new directory? Edit a file, e.g. create a web page? List the contents of a file? Move, rename, or delete a file? Make a file world readable? Execute a command with root permissions? Find the IP address of my machine? Get help on a Linux command? Install a software package? Determine what processes are running?
Linux file permissions Permissions for read, write, and ‘eXecute’ User, group, world permissions chmod chown
Problems… If you mis-configure a file, your system can stop running If you forget what you did, you may have to start over from the beginning of the semester… What to do?
git git is a source control system – git init git add * git commit Make snapshots of your files Keep old versions Branches Reconcile branches git init git add * git commit
Apache What does apache2 do, exactly? Where can I get apache2? In apache2, how would I Start and stop the server? Specify what files it will serve? Specify the default character set? Enable or disable modules? View the access or error logs?
Lab 1 debrief Questions about the lab? Why What if your web page doesn’t appear? How do you install an apache module? Any gaps on your linux handout? How to tell if your Web server is running? How to print info about the network?