Lakeisha Vaughan-Jones Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. William Butler Yeats
Why Your School District Should Hire ME Track record of success with at risk students Dedicated to my students, school districts, policies, visions, and missions of the school Capable of working within a team or alone Able to step out of the box to teach Dedicated to creating a classroom environment where the students feel safe and free to learn Track record of creating, and finding engaging standard related activities from which the children can learn Skilled at communicating with parents and colleagues Able to identify individual student needs, as well as the needs of the classroom Skilled at differentiation of instruction that meets the diverse needs and learning styles Belief in using technology, manipulatives, and music to teach
Veteran Teacher 17 years teaching on the elementary level 1 year as EIP teacher 1 year as Pathways to Success Coordinator 2 years as 3rd grade team leader, member of school leadership team 1 year as Instructional Coach educating new Common Core Standards to entire school 9 years teaching all content areas 6 years as Title I Reading Teacher for the entire school 5 years as Resource Teacher for the entire school in addition to Title I duties 5 years spent remediating at risk 3rd and 4th grade students in Math, as well as Reading during the normal school day, in addition to Title I duties. 5 years (once a week for every class in the building) using technology to teach/reinforce Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies standards for grades PreK, 2nd, and 3rd)
Licensed to Teach Georgia -Early Childhood Education (P-5) -Georgia Educator Certificate -Early Childhood Education (P-5) -Middle Grades (4-8) Commonwealth of Virginia -Postgraduate Professional License -Elementary Education (Prek-6)
Education and Training Master of Arts from Liberty University in Management and Leadership M.Ed from Jones International University in Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Courses taken at Longwood University, Virginia State University, and the University of Phoenix to meet licensure requirements B.A. from Saint Paul’s College in Political Science
Accomplishments Lowered the percentage of students needing Reading remediation from the 40th percentile to less than 2 percent (Proven success instigated me moving to another elementary school within the district that needed grave help) Fundamental in third grade receiving a 100% pass rate in all subject areas on state standardized tests Fundamental in fourth grade receiving in the 90 percentile in all testing subjects on state standardized tests
Accomplishments cont. Fundamental in Burkeville Elementary School receiving the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence two years in a row. Prior to that, we received the Board of Education Competence to Excellence Award. A student once told me that if he knew that passing the PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) test would mean he wouldn’t be able to continue in my class, then he would have failed it. It made me feel great as a teacher, but I quickly had to explain the importance of always doing your best.
In Addition to… Served as PALS Administrator (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) Served as Family Reading Night Coordinator Served as Renaissance Place Administrator Served as a Lead Teacher in Nottoway County for 4 years Served as After-school Tutoring and Summer School Coordinator Instructor for 21st Century grant activities Trained other teachers across the district in Renaissance Place, PALS, and RTI Facilitated training of new Common Core Standards for the entire school Serve as a member of the school leadership team
Staff Development and Training (Received and Given) The Philosophy Behind the Common Core GA Performance Standards The Continuation of Differentiated Instruction Connected Schools/Building Relationships Striving Readers Cognitively Guided Instruction (Math) 5 E’s of Science Cultural Awareness Marzano Instructional Strategies Student Engagement Strategies Classroom Walk-through Improving School Climate Drop Out Prevention ESL Standards (WIDA) RTI (Response to Intervention) Internet, Personnel, and School Safety Internal Reviews VGLA (Virginia Grade Level Alternative) Scoring Site Testing Teaching with Poverty in Mind; School Leadership that Works; The Art of School Leadership (book studies)
My job as a homeroom teacher was to prepare students for the next grade by teaching them the standards for that current grade, in a way that they comprehend to the point of retaining that information. As the Title I Reading teacher, I was responsible for assessing all students in the school, deciding who qualifies for my program, and improving reading scores of all those in the program. Sometimes we must move backwards in order to move forward. I’m not afraid to move backwards when needed.
Thank you for the opportunity to tell you a little about myself Thank you for the opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future, hopefully to discuss a position for the upcomingschool year.