Taiga By Tyler
Food Web Explanation The food wed starts with the sun witch gives the Grass, White Spruce, and Balsam Fir witch are producers, they get there energy by going through photosynthesis. Next the primary consumer the Moose eats the Balsam Fir and the White Spruce that is how the Moose gets its energy, and the Snowshoe Rabbit gets its energy by eating the grass that is how the Snowshoe Rabbit gets its energy. Then the secondary consumer like the American Black Bear and the Lynx eat the primary consumers aka prey they both eat Moose and Snowshoe Rabbits that is how they get their energy. Secondary consumers are at the top of the food chain and food webs. Last but not least the decomposers break down dead animals and turns the soil rich to plant on that is how the decomposers get their energy. That is my food wed.