Field placement artifact: backpack for Friday (BFF) program Debbie Wilkerson SOC-WK 8970 Professional Practice Seminar I
Field Placement: Fisk Elementary School Guidance Counselor Some of the learning opportunities I have had the privilege to gain from my placement are: Provide guidance to students during time of need Learn about MAP testing to students 3rd grade through 8th grade Attend meetings and trainings with faculty and outside resources Make referrals when needed for outside counseling Attend IEP meetings Administer the WIAT III Assessment
What is my Field Practicum Artifact: Backpack For Friday (BFF) Program The "Back-Pack" Program at Fisk Elementary School assists student(s) and their families over the weekend by sending home a backpack of non-perishable food items to supplement meals. All week, Monday through Friday, students at Fisk Elementary are feed breakfast and lunch, and are offered snacks to ensure children are not hungry, and receive proper nutrients to help with growth. Some students and families truly depend upon these meals to make sure their children are feed. By sending home a backpack, the school continues to provide food to these families/children in need. The school pays for six (6) boxes, which contains 6 pre-made bags of food, and prepared by the Butler County Food Bank. The bags are distributed throughout the school district (which also includes Qulin Elementary School, and Brosley High School). Three (3) prepackaged bags are kept at Fisk Elementary School due to the area being in a more poverty area. In addition to those three (3) bags, I make up three (3) additional bags for selected students for the weekend from our school food pantry. This food is donated from area churches or businesses, and food drives throughout the year from students at Fisk Elementary. In addition to supplemental food, the school also donates hygiene items (such as: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.) to these students/families that have been donated by various organizations and individuals within the community.
During my time at the school, I have reconstructed the Backpack For Friday’s (BFF) Program offered to families who have a child attending school at this campus. I revised and updated the referral form, informative letter, and enrollment form for the school. I decided to use this as my artifact because this has been a big project in my field placement, and it is a project I fell in love with! The need for this program is so great! Every week, I prepare the bags of food for the families, and I take care of any new referrals for the program. By experiencing this task, I have exhibited social work core competencies by practicing professional roles and keeping backpack recipients information confidential, keeping bias opinions to myself, developing new forms for the program, recognizing and advocating for individuals experiencing classism, providing other resources to families when needed, and intervening with children/families to provide them supplemental food supplies for the weekend.
BFF Referral Form The referral form is typically filled out by faculty; usually a teacher. Generally, teacher’s or school social workers see first-hand the need of students and are able to raise awareness for this program. A family can call and speak to the school social worker, guidance counselor, or myself about this program as well. In that case, one would note that parent/guardian referred them self to the program if accepted.
BFF - letter Once the referral is received from faculty, this letter is sent home to the family explaining the purpose of the program, and how it will work.
BFF Enrollment Form This enrollment form is sent home with the BFF Letter for the parent/guardian to fill out and return to the guidance counselor before participating in the program. Once the family is approved, then this form is given to me so I can make up the backpack for the child to take home on Friday.
Remember, we are all working together to better humanity!! Once again, I would like to stress to my fellow cohort the importance of the BFF program, and bring awareness to this resource for any client you may work with. Remember, we are all working together to better humanity!!