Normal 6- to 7-week IUP. A: Magnified TV sonogram of 3-mm embryo/yolk sac (arrow). Compare to Figure 3-1H. B: TV sonogram of 6-week IUP with 6-mm embryo (between x's) adjacent to the yolk sac. C: Magnified TV scan of 6-week IUP demonstrating embryo within embryonic cavity (1), extraembryonic coelom (2), and yolk sac (3). D: Magnified TV sonogram of 6-week IUP demonstrating embryo/yolk sac complex and decidua capsularis and vera. Compare to Figure 3-1L. E: Yolk sac/embryo surrounded by choriodecidual layers. F: TVS showing embryo/yolk sac complex. The embryo is 3 mm in size, and heart motion was seen. G: TVS of "deflated" gestational sac with enlarged yolk sac but no definite embryo. This is consistent with embryonic demise. Source: TRANSVAGINAL SONOGRAPHY OF EARLY INTRAUTERINE PREGNANCY, Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Principles & Practice, 7e Citation: Fleischer AC, Toy EC, Lee W, Manning FA, Romero RJ. Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology: Principles & Practice, 7e; 2014 Available at: Accessed: December 30, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved