M.K.Mahaboob Faizudeen (91706112015) Design and construction of a Lab VIEW based level controller using Fuzzy logic BATCH MEMBERS S.Labeer Ahamed (91706112014) M.K.Mahaboob Faizudeen (91706112015) A.Raja Rethnam (91706112401) INTERNAL GUIDE Mr. S.GOMATHI SANKAR M.E.,
OBJECTIVE To design implementable solution for fluid level monitoring and controlling using Virtual instrumentation platform. A Reliable and Cost-Effective
ABSTRACT In this real time level is monitored and controlled. The controlling mechanism is enabled with fuzzy rule sets. A user friendly interface based on Lab View is used for controlling fuzzy system
NEED OF THE PROJECT Most of the level control are using mathematical methods which are tedious for some complex situation. In chemical industries, the chemicals should be added in proper proportion to achieve good result.
CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM The present system employs conventional controlling mechanisms like P,PI and PID. The accuracy of the system may not meet some ad hoc conditions.
PROPOSED SYSTEM This method uses superior fuzzy logic. The system outputs are stable at different input conditions.
HARDWARE USED Level sensor PIC 16F877A Max 232 RS 232 ULN 2003 Relay Solenoid Valve
HARDWARE USED LEVEL SENSOR: Input to the level sensor is 5volt supplied from power supply. It will convert the level input into analog voltage varying between 0 to 5 volt. PIC 16F877A: Analog voltage from the level sensor is converted into digital voltage through inbuilt ADC in the PIC. It communicates with PC ,through serial communication port. It activates the relay driver circuit to trip the incoming power to the Solenoid valve. MAX 232: The purpose of MAX 232 is to covert the voltage levels between PIC and PC.Since the voltage level differs.
RS 232: RS-232 is a standard for the interchange of serial binary data between two devices. DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) and a DCE (Data Communication Equipment). Here in our project DCE is PIC and the DTE is PC. ULN 2003: It is used to as relay driver. It act depending upon the command signal from the PC. RELAY: A relay is an electrically operated switch. Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. SOLENOID VALVE: A solenoid valve is an electromechanical valve for use with liquid . The valve is controlled by an electric current through a solenoid coil. Here the solenoid valve opens and close when the relay switch contact changes.
CONTROLLER FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Fuzzy logic - focuses linguistic variables It requires -knowledge about the system. It can be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of both.
FUZZY RULES IF ERROR DOT IS NE1 AND ERROR NE2 THEN OUTPUT POo IF ERROR DOT IS NE1 AND ERROR ZE2 THEN OUTPUT POo IF ERROR DOT IS NE1 AND ERROR PO2 THEN OUTPUT POo IF ERROR DOT IS ZE1 AND ERROR NE2 THEN OUTPUT POo IF ERROR DOT IS ZE1 AND ERROR ZE2 THEN OUTPUT NONE IF ERROR DOT IS PO1 AND ERROR NE2 THEN OUTPUT NEo IF ERROR DOT IS PO1 AND ERROR ZE2 THEN OUTPUT NEo IF ERROR DOT IS PO1 AND ERROR PO2 THEN OUTPUT NEo Where, NE-Indicates negative error, means liquid level is above the set point. ZE-Indicates zero means liquid level is at the set point. PO-Indicates positive error, means liquid level is below the set point. POo-Indicates valve open. NEo-Indicates valve close. NC-Indicates no change.
FUZZY ALGORITHM Input - set value and current value and Output - valve open and close should be defined. Error and error dot are predicted. FAM table error error dot NE2 ZE2 PO2 NE1 POo ZE1 NC NEo PO1
Triangular method is used for membership function. Continue… Triangular method is used for membership function. Root sum of square method is used to determine weight age of each output. For Defuzzification process centroid method is used.
Lab VIEW LabVIEW is a graphical programming language It consists – front panel,block diagram In this - controls and indicators on front panel and block diagram.
RESULT The above graph represents that the process variable (level) changes depending upon the error and error dot (rate of change of error) to reach set point.
CONCLUSION Thus the level is controlled whenever there is a change in the level from the given set point and monitored using Lab VIEW.
FUTURE WORK Here in this project solenoid valve is used but in order to increase its accuracy a motorized valve can be used. Since Lab VIEW is used here, the level can be monitored and controlled from anywhere in the world through internet.
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