Laura Ingalls Wilder By: Emmalee Stratioti
She was born February 7 of 1867.She died February 10 of 1957. Date of birth and death She was born February 7 of 1867.She died February 10 of 1957.
She was born in Wisconsin. Birth place She was born in Wisconsin.
Parents and Siblings Her mom’s name is Caroline. Her dad’s name is Charles. Her sisters names are Carrie and Grace. She also has a younger brother named Charles.
Education Since they moved a lot they basically they taught themselves and each although she did go to school for a while.
What she is most famous for She was famous for writing the Little House on the Prairie
Interesting facts She was an author . She moved to Kansas. They repeatedly moved her to walnut grove Minnesota. When she was 15 she signed into teaching a one roomed school house . She and Almanza fell in love on August 25 of 1885 they got married then in 1886 they gave birth to a baby girl named Rose. In August of 1889 they gave birth to a baby boy that after a few months later died.