Identifies different intonation patterns and uses of word stress. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Unit - 8 Activity - 9 Competency level – 3.5 Identifies different intonation patterns and uses of word stress.
Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English What is intonation? Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Without intonation, it's impossible to understand the expressions and thoughts that go with words. Listen to somebody speaking without paying attention to the words: the 'melody' you hear is the intonation. It has the following features:
It's divided into phrases, also known as 'tone-units'. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English It's divided into phrases, also known as 'tone-units'. The pitch moves up and down, within a 'pitch range'. Everybody has their own pitch range. Languages, too, differ in pitch range. English has particularly wide pitch range.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English In each tone unit, the pitch movement (a rise or fall in tone, or a combination of the two) takes place on the most important syllable known as the 'tonic-syllable'. The tonic-syllable is usually a high-content word, near the end of the unit.
These patterns of pitch variation are essential to a phrase's meaning. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English These patterns of pitch variation are essential to a phrase's meaning. Changing the intonation can completely change the meaning.
Example: Say: 'It's raining'. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Example: Say: 'It's raining'.
You could say it to mean 'What a surprise!', or 'How annoying!', or Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Now say it again using the same words, but giving it different meaning. You could say it to mean 'What a surprise!', or 'How annoying!', or 'That's great!'. There are many possibilities.
Now it’s your turn Question 1 Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Now it’s your turn Question 1
Question 1 What is intonation? Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Question 1 What is intonation?
Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Answer What is intonation? Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Well done
I’ll give you some easy ways. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English I’ll give you some easy ways. I see these as starting-points, rather than rules. Some examples are: Wh-word questions: falling intonation What are you writing? When will you go?
Yes/No questions: rising Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Yes/No questions: rising Do you like cake? Did you write the essay? Statements: falling It’s an interesting essay. Lidula and Evin are good friends.
That’s a sad story. Isn’t it? Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Question-Tags: 'chat' – falling That’s a sad story. Isn’t it? 'check' – rising Nimal is absent. Isn’t he?
rising, rising, rising, falling Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Lists: rising, rising, rising, falling I went to the market and bought rice, vegetables, fruits and cheese.
5. Stressing the importance of something Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English 5. Stressing the importance of something Use rising intonation on specific words in a sentence to emphasize their importance. “I hope you got the red scarf.” “I hope you got the red scarf.”
Stress the underlined words Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Stress the underlined words Damith removed the tyre. Damith removed the tyre. Damith removed the tyre.
Stress on syllable SIMple imPOssible toDay Animal Customer Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Stress on syllable SIMple imPOssible toDay Animal Customer
Now it’s your turn Question 1 Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Now it’s your turn Question 1
Most Yes/No questions use rising intonation. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Most Yes/No questions use rising intonation. Information questions (what , who , when , where , why etc.) use falling intonation.
Give the right intonation, up or down(Rising or falling) Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Question 2 Give the right intonation, up or down(Rising or falling) 1. Who is your friend? 2. How old are you? 3. Is he writing it? 4. Did she eat it? 5. Who are you?
Answers 1. Who is your friend? down 2. How old are you? down Unit 10- Personality Grade 10 - English Answers 1. Who is your friend? down 2. How old are you? down 3. Is he writing it? up 4. Did she eat it? up 5. Who are you? down
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English
Intonation We can understand Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Intonation We can understand The expression and thoughts Intonation is about how we say things rather than what we say.
We could see the following features Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English We could see the following features It has tone units The pitch moves up and down The stress is on the most important word Changing the intonation can change the meaning
We can take these as starting points rather than rules. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English We can take these as starting points rather than rules. Wh questions: falling intonation Yes/No questions : rising Statements : falling
Read the following with correct stress and intonation. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Lets try an exercise Read the following with correct stress and intonation. 1.Do you want some coffee? 2.He passed his driving test. 3.He thinks he can.
2.He passed his DRIving test. 3.He thinks he CAN. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Answers 1.Do you want some COffee? 2.He passed his DRIving test. 3.He thinks he CAN.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Now it’s your turn
Read the following with correct stress and intonation. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Question 3 Read the following with correct stress and intonation. 1.Usually he comes on Sunday. 2.My sister who is a teacher has three children.
1.Usually he comes on SUNday. Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Answers. 1.Usually he comes on SUNday. 2.My SISter who is a TEAcher has THREE CHILdren.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English Well done.
Unit 08 – Reading is fun. Grade 11 - English