Thomas Tulis Photographer
Biography Thomas Tulis was born in Chatanooga, TN in 1961 He went to college to study drawing for a couple of years and then dropped out to go into the US Army. In 1985 he opened his first photography studio and in that same year, he was asked to do his first exhibition. His photos are exhibited in many museums including The Museum of Modern Art in NYC, the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, Detroit Institute of Fine Art, and the New Orleans Museum of Fine Art.
Biography (continued) The type of type of photography that Tulis does wasnt mentioned in any of the biographies that i read, but i think that he does primarily black and white photos. Black-and-white is the oldest form of photography. A black and white photo is made of blacks, whites, and shades of grey. Black-and-white photography requires you to do away with the safety net of using color and you have to think more about shapes, textures and tones to make a good black-and-white photo.
The Work Of Thomas Tulis The Old Guy on Flag Day The lighting in this photo looks like its both natural and artificial. It looks like he used a flash to enhance the photo because the guy has a bright light reflection in the middle of his eye. the main subject of the photo is the old guy. i can tell because thats the title of the photo, and the camera was focused on him. This photo has a good composition; the old man is placed on the right line of the rule of thirds grid, and the building is placed on the left line of the grid. The photographer is trying to convey this old guys pride for his country. I chose this photo, and all of the others because they were the only ones that i could find from this photographer. Untitled (1) The lighting in this photo appears to be artificial light from a street light possibly. It looks like it is coming from the right side of the subject. The main subject of this photo is the old car and the signs above the car. I can tell because they are in focus, and are in the middle of the photo. This photo has a good composition, the car is positioned on the bottom line of the rule of thirds grid, and the sign is placed on the right line. With the combination of the good lighting and the composition of the photo, this picture is really pleasing to the eye. Maybe Tulis was trying to convey a feeling of sadness and abandonment with this photo, the car has been left by itself and it is old and rusty.
The Work of Thomas Tulis Untitled (2) The lighting in this photo could be artificial. It looks like it is coming from a street light or a flash. the light looks like it is coming from behind and to the right of the photographer. it looks like the picture was taken at night. The subject is the “See Rock City” sigh and the cars. I can tell because they're the only things in the photo. The sign is placed on the left vertical line of the rule of thirds grid. the lines from the poles and power lines add a cool effect to the photo. The contrast in the photo is really nice. Linda in Her Backyard The lighting appears to be natural, but i think the picture was taken at sunset or sunrise, but Tulis set the camera on a long shutter speed to let more light in, and that is why there is some camera shake, although, that might have been intentional. The subject of the photo is Linda; that is the name of the photo and she is the only possible subject in the photo. The subject was placed in the center of the photo. Tulis might have been trying to capture this women's independence because she has her hands on her hips.
The Work of Thomas Tulis Picturing Home The lighting in this photo looks like it is artificial. It is coming from behind and to the left of the photographer. This photo also looks like it was taken at night. The main subject of the picture is the little building. I can tell because the subject is placed in the center of the photo. The composition of the photo is breaking the rule of thirds. The lines from the railroad track almost lead up to the subject and they draw your eyes up to the house. The way the light is shining on the gravel creates a bunch of shadows and gives the photo a lot of texture. The photo feels really homey.
works cited Images: - Picturing Home ock_CityCar - Image 1 (Untitled) thomas-tulis.html -Old Guy on Flag Day -Linda in Her Backyard -Image 2 (Untitled)