Introduction to ArcGIS Add-Ins Exercises GIS/LIS Conference, 2013 Rochester, MN
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Exercise 1 – Add-Ins with Python In this exercise you will be using the Python Add-In Wizard and PyScripter to create an Add-In to ArcMap that contains a toolbar with a tool for creating a map package file (.mpk). Open the Python Add-In Wizard by Double-clicking on the AddIn Assistant shortcut on your desktop. The first thing you’ll need to do is define your Add-In project root folder. Navigate to C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1 and create a folder called ‘CreateMapPackage’ Click ‘OK’ Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins In the Wizard window that appears enter the information as shown in the graphic to the right. Select Product: ArcMap Name: Create Map Package Tool Version: 1.0 Company: MN DNR Description: Provides a tool to create a map package based on the user defined extent. Author: <your name here> Image: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\ Package64.png. Click on the ‘Add-In Contents’ Tab Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins In the contents tab you can define buttons/tools/etc to be included in the add-in. Add a toolbar by right-clicking on the TOOLBARS item and select ‘New Toolbar’. Enter the information as shown in the graphic below. Caption: Map Package ID: CreateMapPackage_addin.mpktoolbar Show Initially: Checked Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Under your new Map Package toolbar add a new Tool by right-clicking on the ‘Map Package’ item and select ‘New Tool’. Enter the information as shown in the graphic below. Caption: Create Map Package Class Name: CreateMPKTool ID: CreateMapPackage_addin.mpktool Tooltip: Create Map Package Message: Create Map Package for user defined extent Help Heading: Create Map Package Help Content: Create Map Package for user defined extent Image: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\ Package16.png Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Next add an extension that will listen for changes to the Active View. Add an extension by right-clicking on the ‘EXTENSIONS’ item and select ‘New Extension’. Enter the information as shown in the graphic below. Name: Create Map Package Class Name: CreateMPKExt ID: CreateMapPackage_addin.mpkext Description: Checks Active View and disables Create Map Package if the Active View is Page Layout Methods to Implement: ActiveViewChanged Click ‘Save’. The Add-In structure is created in the C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\ CreateMapPackage folder Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins The Add-In structure has been created in the C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\CreateMapPackage folder. The next step is to modify the code behind the tool and extension so that they perform as expected. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\CreateMapPackage\Install. Right-click on the file and select ‘Edit With PyScripter’. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Some custom code needs to be added to this file. For simplicity, the code is sitting in a text file at C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\customCode.txt. Open this file and copy its contents. Replace ALL of the code in the and then Save your Changes (FileSave). It should look similar to the screen shot below: Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins All the pieces are now ready to be compiled into the ESRI Add-In. Go to C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\CreateMapPackage and double-click on the file. This will create the add-in file in the same directory. Install the Add-in. To do this, double-click on the file (C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\CreateMapPackage\CreateMapPackage.esriaddin). When the Installation Utility appears click on ‘Install Add-In’. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Now test the add-in. Launch ArcMap and open the sample project at C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise1\sampleMap.mxd. Your new toolbar should be visible with your one tool. To use the tool select it and then click and drag a rectangle on the map. All data within that rectangle will be extracted and bundled and saved out to a map package located next to the sampleMap.mxd called sampleMap.mpk. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Exercise 2 – Add-Ins with Visual Studio In this exercise you will be using Visual Studio Express 2010 to create an Add-In to ArcMap that contains a toolbar with two tools – one for finding upstream watersheds and one for finding downstream watersheds from a user’s mouse-click. Open Visual Studio by Double-clicking on the Visual Studio shortcut on your desktop or from the Start menu. Select “New Project” from the options on the left side of the window that opens. Select “Desktop Add-Ins” on the left side, “ArcMap Add-in” from the middle pane, and at the bottom of the New Project window type in “WatershedTools” for the name of your Add-in project. Click ‘OK’. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Enter the information as shown in the graphic to the right. Add-in Name: WatershedTools Company: MN DNR Author: <your name here> Description: These tools are for analyzing watersheds. Image: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\ Watershed.png. Click ‘Next’ Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Enter the information as shown in the graphic to the right. Add-in Type: Tool Class Name: toolUpstream Caption: Find Upstream Watersheds Image: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\Upstream.png Category: Watershed On Demand: Checked Tooltip: Find Upstream Watersheds Description: This tool selects all watersheds upstream of a user’s click Click ‘Finish’ A new project is created with the parameters that you’ve chosen – an Add-in with an upstream tool. The next step is to add the downstream tool. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Next you’ll add the 2nd tool to your project. To do this go to ProjectAdd New Item. Select the options as shown below: Installed Template: Desktop Add-ins Type: Add-in Component Name: toolDownstream.vb Click ‘Add’ Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Enter the information as shown in the graphic to the right. Add-in Type: Tool Class Name: toolDownstream Caption: Find Downstream Watersheds Image: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\Downstream.png Category: Watershed On Demand: Checked Tooltip: Find Downstream Watersheds Description: This tool selects all watersheds downstream of a user’s click Click ‘Finish’ The new tool is added to your project. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Next you’ll add the toolbar which will contain the two tools. To do this go to ProjectAdd New Item. Enter the information as shown in the graphic below. Installed Template: Desktop Add-ins Type: Add-in Command Container Name: toolbarWatershedTools.vb Click ‘Add’ Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Enter the information as shown in the graphic below. Add-in Command Bar Type: Toolbar Caption: Watershed Tools Premier Toolbar: Unchecked Items: Select the Upstream and Downstream tools from the combobox Click ‘Finish’ Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins There is some preexisting code that needs to be added which does the actual work behind the tools. To add it to the project go to ProjectAdd Existing Item. Add this file: C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\ArcMapCode.vb. This custom code also requires that some ArcObjects references be loaded. Go to ProjectAdd Reference and add the following .NET References (Note: You can click on the Component Name column header to sort the list): ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto ESRI.ArcGIS.Display ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry ESRI.ArcGIS.Location Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins You now have all the pieces necessary for your Add-In toolbar. Now add functionality to the tools. Open the toolDownstream.vb file and update it to look like the graphic below: Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseDown(arg) ArcMapCode.HU_Find_Downstream(arg.X, arg.Y) End Sub Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Do the same for the Upstream tool. Open the toolUpstream.vb file and update it to look like the graphic below: Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal arg As ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Tool.MouseEventArgs) MyBase.OnMouseDown(arg) ArcMapCode.HU_Find_Upstream(arg.X, arg.Y) End Sub Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins Next save your project. Go to FileSave All. All files and images will be saved to the same project directory. Now compile by going to DebugBuild Watershed Tools. This will build the Add-In at C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\WatershedTools\WatershedTools\bin\Release\WatershedTools.esriAddIn and it also installs it to Arcmap’s well-known Add-In folder located at c:\Users\<username>\Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\Desktop10.1 Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins
Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins To test your add-in, open the test MXD located at C:\temp\Introduction to AddIns for ArcGIS\Exercise2\Watersheds.mxd. Go to CustomizeToolbarsWatershed Tools to open your toolbar. Select the Watershed layer by single clicking on it in the table of contents. Select the Upstream or Downstream tool and click on a watershed. The respective upstream/downstream path for that watershed should become selected. Introduction to ArcGIS Add-ins