What is an adaptation? An adaptation is any characteristic that helps an organism survive in a specific environment. Adaptations are inherited by the organism’s offspring, so helpful, or beneficial, adaptations are passed on to the next generation.
Types of Adaptations
Structural (Physical)Adaptations Structural adaptations are inheritable physical traits that help an organism survive in its environment. They can be for moving, defense, gaining food, breathing, etc.
Behavioral Adaptation A behavioral adaptation is an inherited behavior that helps an organism survive in its environment. This can include a lot of different behaviors. For example, some animals hibernate during the winter to save energy when it is hard to find food.
Behavior Innate (instinctive) behavior can be an adaptation. Learned behavior cannot be an adaptation because it cannot be inherited. Survival behaviors include finding food, marking territory, defensive action, courtship, and parenting. These can be a combination of innate and learned. Seasonal behavior is often innate. This includes migrating, hibernation, and estivation (period of inactivity in summer).
Physiological Adaptations Physiological adaptations are inheritable ways an organism’s body functions or works that helps it survive in its environment. This may be how an organism digests food, controls its body temperature, or grows and develops.