TASTE RECEPTORS Sweet Sour Salty Bitter
BITTERNESS IN OUR BODIES Stress Emotional Behavioral Spiritual
WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED BITTERNESS? Unforgiveness fermented Wrath’s little sister Antagonism Resentment Hostility Disagreeable Revenge Grudge SIN
WHERE DOES BITTERNESS COME FROM? Being wronged Powerlessness Time Unresolved issues Perception of events Misperception Unbelief that God will address
HOW DO WE RID OURSELVES OF IT? Faith Love God’s timing Jesus example
Self God’s Christians Non-Christians TYPES OF FORGIVENESS Self God’s Christians Non-Christians
OBSTACLES TO FORGIVENESS Fear of losing Energy that anger produces Leverage in a relationship Hope for a better relationship Power & control Image of superiority
POWER OF FORGIVENESS Restored record Restored love Restored health Restored relationship
WHAT FORGIVENESS IS Cancelling a debt owed to you Removing control the offender has over you Giving a gift to you and your offender Forsaking revenge Leaving ultimate justice in Gods hand Ongoing process Wanting good for your offender
WHAT FORGIVENESS IS NOT Not denying sin occurred or diminishing its evil Not enabling sin Not a response to an apology Not covering up crimes committed against us Not forgetting Not trust Not reconciliation Not easy
Matthew West - Forgiveness FORGIVENESS IN ACTION Matthew West - Forgiveness
Forgiveness is our Job Vengeance is God’s CONCLUSION Forgiveness is our Job Vengeance is God’s