The daily rise and fall of Earth’s waters on the coastlines. What are tides?? The daily rise and fall of Earth’s waters on the coastlines.
GRAVITY!!! The interaction of the Earth, moon, and the sun. What causes tides?? GRAVITY!!! The interaction of the Earth, moon, and the sun.
When the water reaches its highest point. What is high tide? When the water reaches its highest point.
When the water reaches its lowest point. What is low tide? When the water reaches its lowest point.
How often do high and low tide occur? High and low tide occur twice EVERY DAY!
What is a Spring Tide? How often does is occur? Occurs twice a month. The GREATEST difference between the heights of high and low tide.
What is a Neap Tide? How often does it occur? Occurs twice a month. The LEAST difference between high and low tide.
Graphing Activity p. 370