At the start of this Series, we looked at a broad overview of the various ways that Jesus prayed during His life and ministry.


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Presentation transcript:

At the start of this Series, we looked at a broad overview of the various ways that Jesus prayed during His life and ministry. Today, we will do a similar summary on how Jesus prayed during the “big days” and the “hard days” of life.

Jesus’ “Miracle & Prayer” Connection Before He healed a deaf & mute man Before He resurrected Lazarus Before He walked on the water w/Peter During His baptism…God’s Voice/“dove” During His 40 days of temptation in desert During His Transfiguration w/ 3 apostles

In Mark 5: 24-29, we see the story of a woman’s faith in “snatching” a miracle from Jesus by simply touching His clothes. Verse 30 mentions that Jesus physically noticed that power had been drained from Him.

Luke 5: 15-16 (The Voice Translation) 15  “Even though Jesus said not to talk about what happened [His miracles], soon every conversation was consumed by these events. The crowds swelled even larger as people went to hear Jesus preach and to be healed of their many afflictions. 16 Jesus repeatedly left the crowds, though, stealing away into the wilderness to pray.”

Jesus Prayed at Some Point During these “Milestones” in His Life/Ministry After “The 70” disciples returned During The Last Supper meal Right before leaving for Gethsemane Prayed 3 times in Garden of Gethsemane Prayed out loud throughout His crucifixion His dying breath was a prayer

A specific life and ministry milestone for Jesus that was preceded in prayer that I wanted to look at a little closer today is found in Luke 6: 12-16; where Jesus spends the night praying before choosing His 12 Apostles.

John 6:64 “There are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known  from the beginning which of [His disciples] did not believe and who would betray Him.

I believe that most of that night before choosing “the 12”; Jesus was praying for them…praying for their ministry ahead (both then and in the future) and for patience for Himself as their leader. I could imagine He prayed for His ability to work with Judas, as well.

If He needed prayer that badly and consistently… so do we! May you take comfort from knowing that Jesus also needed prayer to face the “big days” and hard days of His life on Earth. If He needed prayer that badly and consistently… so do we!

Help Us to Honor Your Name. (Contemporary English Version) Our Father in Heaven, Help Us to Honor Your Name.

Come and set up Your Kingdom, so that everyone on Earth will obey You, as You are obeyed in Heaven.

Give us our food for today.

Forgive us for doing wrong, as we forgive others.

Keep us from being tempted and protect us from evil.

The Kingdom The Power and The Glory are Yours… forever! Amen.