Role of CSOs in monitoring Policies and Progress on MDGs. Elijah Wachira UNDP RSC
How can civil society monitor progress Policies and MDGs? Monitoring spans the entire policy cycle – from needs analysis through implementation to review Monitoring implementation of PRSP represents the short and medium term results, with a focus on inputs and outputs Monitoring progress on MDGs involves measuring outcomes and impact of the PRSP (and other interventions) – on a longer term basis
Civil Society can contribute through: Engaging periodic progress reports e.g. Household Budget Surveys, Participatory Poverty Assessments, MDG Reports” Participation in conducting PPA Preparation of MDG reports Independent and credible policy research Micro-level, non-policy oriented participatory research which presents issues from the point of view of poor people. offers policy makers insights that are relevant to policy formulation and implementation of poverty reduction policy impossible to capture through research tools which pay less attention to micro-level social dynamics, context and holistic analysis of problems public awareness of results to stimulate citizen interest in keeping track of progress and changes in addressing poverty.
Policy Formulation – PRSP preparation Civil Society role: to ensure that priority needs of poor identified in above exercises are addressed in policies and interventions Assess sectoral submissions for their focus on poverty or on achieving MDGs Ensure adequate public investments are allocated to community priorities and concerns Determine benchmarks for policy monitoring
Monitoring Implementation of PRSP Whether or not the policy is being implemented When implemented, does the policy in question have an impact on poverty? Have policy commitments to gender and diversity been met and in what ways?
The role of Budgets in Monitoring PRSP implementation Policy is translated into action through allocation of resources to it within the annual budget of a country Hence the budget can be a vital vehicle for civil society to monitor whether a policy is being implemented or not
Budget Debate & Analysis – a second opportunity for civil society if: Budget Formulation – pre-budget consultations with Civil Society & informal channels Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (budgeting based on activities & outputs) Management Information Systems (standardization & computerization of financial information to improve public expenditure management Costings for implementing agreed policies within the PRSPs offer important advocacy tools for influencing budget content and for mobilizing donor commitment to finance resource gaps. Budget Debate & Analysis – a second opportunity for civil society if: Civil society focuses on a few critical areas Work with parliaments – giving budget & finance committees information & analysis to feed the debate Use allies, e.g. academics in providing technical assistance Keep it simple
Monitoring Budget Implementation Monitoring budget inputs – has the money left the treasury to go to the relevant ministry and programme? Monitoring budget outputs – to what extent are planned policies producing planned outputs? - (CS can initiate public expenditure tracking surveys, and results used as an advocacy tool to ensure full allocation where gaps exist. - Citizen report cards & surveys to seek client feedback on public services - Timeliness is crucial for ensuring that government rectifies situation within current annual budget
Monitoring Outcomes and Impact - MDGs & Other sectoral outcomes What are the changes in people’s lives? Qualitative Policy Impact Monitoring A return to poverty monitoring to assess changes – Participatory Poverty Assessments Civil society can contribute to: MDGR update Independent participatory impact assessments Publicity of results to obtain public support for advocacy purposes in the policy (PRSP) review process.
Conditions for effective civic engagement in monitoring Political space Government convinced of value of civic engagement Sufficient time to allow CSOs to consult their partners and constituents Timely & adequate information – easy access to plans & budgets smoothens dialogue Civil Society must be ready to commit time, funds & their best human resources to liaise with government on an on-going basis Civil society’s ability to influence policy and quality of its monitoring activities must be evaluated
Conditions for effective monitoring cont’d Legitimacy, representation, broad participation – what are the links to poor communities & other civil society actors at the level of national networks Feedback mechanisms are required, so that those who are consulted are informed if their views were taken into account. Capacity of civil society for: organizing & networking, poverty monitoring, policy analysis, budget analysis and expenditure tracking, advocacy, lobbying, etc. Capacity of government – understanding of participatory approaches & expertise to use them for policy purposes
What role for UNDP? Facilitate civil society-government partnership in MDGR preparation & related advocacy Support capacity development for government and civil society Support civil society coalition building and networking activities to promote representation Link civil society networks in the region to global networks - can facilitate capacity building, contribution of the region to global developments & empowerment of CS actors in region Develop genuine, equal & long-term partnership with civil society organizations in above processes.