Network of Judicial Registers IT PT CZ FR BE PL BG SE DE NL UK LU ES SK SI November 2009
Agenda: Activities and results of the NJR pilot project NJR partners : 15 NJR observers: 3 NJR pilot project statistics Requests (January 2009 – September 2009) Notifications (January 2009 – September 2009) Moving from NJR pilot project to ECRIS
Activities and results of the NJR pilot project (January – November 2009) New NJR partners: SE NJR partners with operative data exchange: BE, BG, CZ, DE, ES, FR, LU, PL, SK NJR partners preparing the data exchange: IT, NL, PT, SI, UK, AT, SE Coaching: BE: NL DE: SI, UK [CZ , BG ] ES: PT FR: IT, SE [LU , PL , SK ] NJR observers: AT, RO, CH
Activities and results of the NJR pilot project (January – November 2009) Improvement of common documentation considering especially experiences of new partners Preparation of implementing the table of sanctions and parameters of sanctions developed by the Judicial Workgroup of the NJR project Brainstorming about rules of a common Change Management suitable and practicable for 15 or more project partners Support to the EU Commission and with respect to the development of the „reference implementation“ to be connected to NJR Contributing NJR experience to the ECRIS discussion
Activities and results of the NJR pilot project (January – November 2009) Enhancement of the NJR pilot project protocol V1.4.2: Timestamps extended by time zone Transliteration Error code ‘0007’ (including explanation of the legal age limits by the various partners) And some other minor changes
NJR Statistics:
NJR Statistics:
NJR Statistics:
NJR Statistics:
Moving from NJR pilot project to ECRIS Compatibility between existing NJR common reference table of categories and sub-categories of offences and new ECRIS table of offences Compatibility between existing „new“ NJR common reference table of categories, sub-categories and parameters of decisions (sanctions) and new ECRIS tables of sanctions and parameters of sanctions Brainstorming about the moving from the current NJR pilot project to ECRIS
Your questions…
Network of Judicial Registers IT PT CZ PL BG FR BE SE DE NL UK LU ES SK SI November 2009