W.O.D. Unit – any standard used for comparison in measurements. Date: Dec 2, 2014 Page: Table of Contents p. 1 W.O.D: Last 5 pages Warm-ups: Front Cover W.O.D. Unit – any standard used for comparison in measurements. Question: List a unit used to measure height.
With your table, list as many units of measurement as you in the time given. Select a recorder to write answers in their science notebook. Number your answers The most correct answers will win.
What categories can be assigned to the units we identified?
Time Distance Temperature Volume Mass Electric Current Intesity of Light
Units of Measurement Visual We need 5 people to make category signs: Time Distance Temperature Volume Mass Everyone else will help create clear, legible labels for examples of each category. Please fill the space on the paper given. Volume Kilogram Ounce Milliliter
When finished: Category Signs: Tape at the top of the closet door. Examples: Tape under categories in size order smallest at the top of the door, largest measurments near the bottom of the door. Volume Milliliter Ounce Gallon
SI Base Units: (SNB p. 2) Meter for distance Kilogram for mass Second for time Mole for amount of substance (We’ll use Liters) Kelvin for temperature (We’ll use Celsius) Newton for force Pascal for pressure Joule for energy
Let’s highlight the base units we identified: Time Distance Temperature Volume Electric Current Intensity of Light Volunteers: Can someone highligh base units we have labeled? Can someone make signs for base units we have missed?
Which labels have we identified that are NOT SI units? Options: Create a category of non-SI units, and table somewhere else OR Put a line through the non-SI unit labels.
English vs. Metric Units 1 pound = 453.6 grams Which is larger? 1. 1 Pound or 100 Grams 2. 1 Kilogram or 1 Pound 3. 1 Ounce or 1000 Milligrams 100 kilogram = 220 pounds 1 ounce of gold = 28,349.5 milligrams
Metric Units kg g cg mg Kilogram Prototype Mass refers to the amount of matter in an object. The base unit of mass in the metric system in the kilogram and is represented by kg. Standard: 1 kilogram is equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram (IPK), a platinum-iridium cylinder kept by the BIPM at Sèvres, France. Metric Units 1 Kilogram (km) = 1000 Grams (g) 1 Gram (g) = 1000 Milligrams (mg) Click the image to watch a short video about mass. Which is larger? A. 1 kilogram or 1500 grams B. 1200 milligrams or 1 gram C. 12 milligrams or 12 kilograms D. 4 kilograms or 4500 grams Kilogram Prototype Image - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilogram
English & Metric Conversions
Reflection (back-side of warm-up sheet) Name a unit for measurement of time.