2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th periods: @2347USH 5th period Honors: @ushhonors5 Ms. Shelton Deane Bozeman School 2017-2018 School Year United States History Contact Information Ms. Lauren Shelton Room 702 850-767-1300 Sheltla@bay.k12.fl.us Website: Sheltonhistory.Weebly.com Required supplies (2) Composition notebooks (4)Glue sticks Highlighters Pencils Copy paper Classroom Donations: Kleenex Hand sanitizer Clorox Wipes Color copy paper Extra glue sticks Course Description The purpose of this course is to enable students to understand major concepts and trends evidenced in the United States in the period from Reconstruction to present day. Instruction is intended to prepare students for the U.S. History End of Course Exam. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events that influenced the development of the United States and the resulting impact on world history End-of-Course Exam The Florida U.S. History EOC is a state administered exam that all U.S. History students are required to take in the spring of 2018 (April 18-May 11). This exam will count as 30% of a students FINAL GRADE and is REQUIRED FOR GRADUATION!!! Remind 101 is a safe and free way to send and receive message with your teacher. Register to receive text messages and/or e-mail messages with class without sharing any of your personal information! Students and parents can join by texting the class code to the phone number 81010. Class Codes 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th periods: @2347USH 5th period Honors: @ushhonors5
Ms. Shelton Deane Bozeman School 2017-2018 School Year Grading Policy Student grades are based upon mastery of Next Generation Sunshine State Standards. In this course I will be using both Formative and Summative assessments to guide instruction and provide students with feedback throughout the learning process. 100% of the student grade will consist of standard based tests, projects, quizzes and presentations. Formative assessments will also be used to provide students with feedback before a summative assessment and guide teacher instruction. Grades and attendance can be accessed through FOCUS. https://focus.bayschools.net/focus/ Retake Policy Students who request to re-take an assessment must complete all formative assignments and remediation assignments BEFORE they are able to schedule a time to re-take. The re-take assessment will be mixture of short answer and essay questions. Students have 5 school days to re-take an assessment and the re-take grade will replace the previous test score Late and Make-up work Excused Absences: Students are expected to make up all work missed while they are out of class. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up the work within five (5) school days. All make-up work can be located in the Absent bin and it is the students responsibility to get missed assignment and ask for help completing them. All assignments including tests and exams announced in advance of the student’s absence must be made up on the day the student returns to school. The teacher and/or the principal may grant additional time for making up work if warranted by the individual situation. Unexcused Absences: Students are responsible for making up all work missed, including tests and exams, during ANY unexcused absence. The student will receive a grade no higher than 60% on all work made up. All passing grades will be recorded as a 60. All earned grades below a 60 will remain as the earned grade. If the unexcused absence is due to a suspension of one to three (1-3) days, the student must contact the teacher upon the student’s return to class to make arrangements to make up within five (5) school days work missed. Parent(s)/ guardian(s) of students suspended for more than three (3) days are responsible for contacting the school by the end of the
***US History EOCA test window: April 16 – May 11*** Ms. Shelton Deane Bozeman School 2017-2018 School Year Order of Instruction 1st Nine weeks Unit 1: Civil War, Reconstruction (8 days:) Unit2: The Western Experience (2 days) Unit 3: Economic effects of Industrialization (13 days) Unit 4: Social and political effects of Industrialization (13 days) 2nd Nine Weeks Unit 5: Imperialism (8 days) Unit 6: World War I (10 days) Unit 7: The Roaring 1920s (6 days) Unit 8: Great Depression and New Deal (10 days) 3rd Nine Weeks Unit 9: World War II (12 days) Unit 10: Cold War and Korean War (8 days) Unit 11: 1960’s and Vietnam War (5 days) Unit 12: African American Civil Rights (9 days) Unit 13: Social Issues and Protest Movements of the 1950’s through 1970’s (4 days) Unit 14: Social Issues and Movements of the 1950s to the 1970s (6 days) 4th Nine Weeks Unit 15: Post-Watergate Era (6 days) Unit 16: Florida History and Review (10days) Unit 17: End of year History project ***US History EOCA test window: April 16 – May 11***
Student Information U.S. History Class/ Ms. Shelton **PLEASE RETURN TO MS. SHELTON BY FRIDAY 8/18** Student Name ________________________________________________ Parent Name _________________________________________________ Phone number ________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________ Do you have internet access at home: Yes No Do you need school supplies for any class: Yes No Questions or Comments? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have read over Syllabus with my child and understand all policies for this course. Parent Signature _______________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________________
United States History United States History Welcome to U.S. History! The purpose of this course is to help to enable students to understand major concepts in U.S. History from Reconstruction to present day. At the end of this course students will take an End of Course Exam which counts 30% of their final grade and is required for graduation. More information will be sent home in a syllabus on the first day of school. Required supplies (2) Composition notebooks (4)Glue sticks Highlighters Pencils Copy paper Classroom Donations: Kleenex Hand sanitizer Clorox Wipes Color copy paper Extra glue sticks Contact Information Ms. Lauren Shelton Room 702 850-767-1300 Sheltla@bay.k12.fl.us United States History Required supplies (2) Composition notebooks (4)Glue sticks Highlighters Pencils Copy paper Classroom Donations: Kleenex Hand sanitizer Clorox Wipes Color copy paper Extra glue sticks Contact Information Ms. Lauren Shelton Room 702 850-767-1300 Sheltla@bay.k12.fl.us