Mrs. Walker 7th Grade AVID+ & Science WELCOME! Mrs. Walker 7th Grade AVID+ & Science 2017-2018 School Year Room C-5 Email:
About Me Where I’m From- I am originally from Corona, but as a family we did relocate to Colorado for four years. We have been back for 2. I am married with two children. My daughter will be at BMMS next year, and my son is in 2nd grade. We live here in Menifee so you may see us around! My Experience- I have been teaching for 13 years, all in middle school science. I taught 7 years in the Corona-Norco District, two years for a charter school, two years in Colorado, one year in Riverside, and I am now here at BMMS. My Interests- Reading mystery novels, hanging in my hammock, hiking, enjoying the outdoors, starbucks, 90’s R&B, and my family.
What to Expect in 7th Grade Science We have three major Units in 7th grade: Unit 1: Earth’s Systems Unit 2: Biodiversity and Human Impact In Ecosystems Unit 3: Chemistry of Living and Non-Living Things
Grading Guidelines Authentic Assessments………………………………80% Formative Assignments (learning) …..………..20% Late work: School wide policy is No late work. My late work policy was mapped out in our class syllabus.
Contacting the teacher Mrs. Walker AVID and Science Room C-10 Email: School Phone: Please DO NOT USE – I Don’t Check it! *E-mail is the best way to communicate with me. Please leave your student’s name, your concern and a contact information. I will always try to respond within 24 hours.
Mrs. Walker’s Webpage All work is updated daily usually with links to assignments as well as images of notes and notebook pages. This resource is for you Remind: text to 81010 @walkersci4 (5, or 6) depending on your child’s class period.
Sign Up for Remind Students who are 13 or older and ALL parents can sign up for Remind To sign up: Text to 81010 @walkersci4 (for period 4) @walkersci5 (for period 5) @walker6 (for period6) Or go to and enter in the class code Walkersci4, walkersci5, or walkersci6 and sign up with your email
Supply list for science College-ruled Composition Notebook only for Science with 100 sheets Loose Leaf College-ruled Paper Several sharpened #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are fine) Black or blue pens Red pen Tape (optional) Earbuds (optional) Additional supplies are provided in class as long as they are respected.
WISH LIST (OPTIONAL) Plain White or Colored Copy Paper Loose Leaf College Ruled Paper Boxes of Tissues!!!!! Notecards/Index Cards Hand Sanitizer Bottles of Glue or a large Gallon Bottle of Glue (currently at Target and Wal-Mart for under $12. #2 Pencils Crayola Markers (Thick or thin) Expo Dry Erase Markers Highlighters Prizes for Students: Gel pens Erasers Fun pens or pencils Basket/soccer/volley balls School Supplies These all go toward daily and end of semester prizes for Walker Dollars.
THANK you for coming to our class! I’m looking forward to a successful year with your child. Mrs. Walker