Welcome WELCOME! Algebra-1 . Mrs. Jayashree Sha
Contact Information jsha@somersetacademy.com (Best Method) or (954)442-0233 Room#413
Grading Scale Tests – 50% Quizzes - 30% HW, CW, (other) digital, and other– 20%
Homework Policy Excused absence – 2days to make-up Unexcused absence - Late policy- each day drop by a letter grade Skipping for a quiz and test or cheating is automatic zero
Items found on webpage: Mrs. Sha’s website www.somersetacademy.com --> Staff Directory →Mrs. Jayashree Sha Subscribe to receive email updates. Items found on webpage: Syllabus, Wish List Downloads, Links Video
Pinnacle (Grade book) Parents can access their child's grades by following these steps: 1. Go to https://fs.browardschools.com 2. The user name is the student's ID (This is not the student’s social security number) Please check your child's schedule to find out the correct Student ID number. For ex, 0612345678@my.browardschools.com 3. The Pin Code is the child's date of birth – this will be typed as month, day, (two digits for month, two digits for day, and four digits for year) –slashes) – for example, if the student’s birthday is February 5, 1992, it would be typed in as P02/05/1992. 4. Choose the correct school from the School drop down menu: Somerset Academy Middle, Somerset Academy High, or Somerset Academy Arts Conservatory.
Required Materials (Every Class) Note book for agenda and warm-up Pencil and Paper/graph paper Scientific Calculator Highlighter and color pen Small stapler
School Tutoring - Wednesday Need Extra Help?? After school 413 Thursday and Friday 3:15pm – 4pm School Tutoring - Wednesday
Algebra-1 This is a high-school credit course The grade in this course will count towards your High School GPA. (same as Spanish) More rigorous – this path allows students to complete two AP courses by High School graduation. You will be taking the Algebra End-Of-Course Computerized State Exam (known as the EOC). You must pass this test to receive High School Credit. This test counts towards your overall grade. (30%)
High School course grading High School Grading Scale: Quarter 1 – 15% Quarter 2 – 15% Midterm – 10% Quarter 3 – 15% Quarter 4 – 15% EOC – 30% - entered into Pinnacle as a Final Exam (level 5-A,level 4-A, level 3-B, level 2-C, level 1-D)
Classroom Donation Pencil, paper, and eraser Lysol Wipes and Kleenex Color Copy paper hand sanitizer Glades plug-in Individually wrapped candies Dry erase board marker & eraser Parents receive 1 volunteer hour for every $4.00 spent on materials for the classroom. Please make sure you keep your receipts and turn them in with the materials and the teacher’s name to the front office.
It was great to meet you! Have a wonderful night!