2018-19 Tuition and Fee Hearing Wednesday, October 11 3-4 p.m. Thursday, October 12 noon-1 p.m. 219C Memorial Student Union Bldg.
Variable Rate and Guaranteed Tuition Plans Beginning in fall 2018, all freshmen will be entered into a variable rate tuition plan. Variable rate plans will fluctuate each year based on inflation rate increases and other tuition and fee increases.
Variable Rate and Guaranteed Tuition Plans Freshmen/new students will be given the option of choosing a guaranteed tuition plan. Guaranteed Tuition plans will not fluctuate each year. Instead, the student is guaranteed the same cost per sch or fee/semester for four years (up to 12 fall, spring, and summer semesters in a row).
Variable Rate and Guaranteed Tuition Plans How is this different than this year? For many years students were automatically placed into guaranteed tuition plans. This fall we introduced the option of a variable rate plan. Next fall (2018), students will be placed automatically in variable rate plans but can elect a guaranteed plan.
Inflation Adjusted Proposed Rate Variable Rate and Guaranteed Tuition Plans (Based on 15 semester credit hours, without an athletics fee increase) FY 2019 (Fall 2018) FY 2019 Variable Rate Tuition & Fee Plan Current Rates 1 Inflation Adjusted Proposed Rate Proposed Increase New UG Resident Student $ 4,097 $ 4,249 $ 152 New UG Non-Resident Student 10,976 11,382 $ 406 FY 2019 Four Year Guaranteed Rate $ 4,231 $ 4,461 $ 230 11,051 12,030 $ 979
Athletic Fee Referendum Students will be asked to vote on a proposed increase in the Athletic Fee. Current students are charged $20 per semester credit hour (sch) which is capped at 13 sch. The proposal is to raise the amount to $26 sch which is capped at 13 sch.
Athletic Fee Referendum Who will be charged the new fee? Students on variable rate plans this year, Graduate students, and New students next year on either guaranteed plans or variable rate plans. Current students who are on guaranteed plans will not be charged the additional $6/sch.
Athletic Fee Referendum What will the cost be if the fee referendum passes? Students currently enrolled in guaranteed plans would pay $260/semester for 13 or more hours. Students who enroll next year who are in variable rate plans now and all new students will be charged $338/semester for 13 or more hours—an addition of $78/semester.
Athletic Fee Referendum What will the university do with the additional funds? Added athletic trainers for athletic injury rehabilitation and diagnosis, Added strength and conditioning coaches to prepare athletes for competition, Facility maintenance and improvements for athletics venues.
Inflation Adjusted Proposed Rate Athletics Fee Increase Total Tuition and Fee Increases if Approved through Referendum and by the Board of Regents for fall 2018 FY 2019 (Fall 2018) FY 2019 Variable Rate Tuition & Fee Plan Current Rates 1 Inflation Adjusted Proposed Rate Athletics Fee Increase Proposed Increase New UG Resident Student $ 4,097 $ 4,249 $ 78 $ 230 New UG Non-Resident Student 10,976 11,382 78 $ 484 FY 2019 Four Year Guaranteed Rate $ 4,231 $ 4,461 $ 308 11,051 12,030 $ 1,057
Housing Rate Freeze for students who live on campus In order to continue to make TAMUK affordable, University Housing and Residence Life will freeze their current housing rates. Students who live on campus this year and sign up next year and consecutively (no break in living on campus) will be able to pay the 2017-18 rate for the next three years.
Housing Rate Freeze for students who live on campus Students who arrive in the summer 2018, fall 2018, and spring 2018 will pay the same housing rate as the students who live on campus in 2017-18. As long as the new students continuously sign up for housing, they will be guaranteed the housing rates of 2017-18 for four years.
2017-18 Housing Rates Turner/Bishop/Martin Halls is $2096/semester per student. Lynch Hall is $2311/semester per student. Lucio & Mesquite Village-West 4-Bed Unit is $3394/semester per student. Lucio & Mesquite Village-West 2-Bed Unit is $3604/semester per student. *These rates do not include meal plan prices.