Section 6.3 Dividing Polynomials Learning Objectives Divide polynomials by monomials Divide polynomials by binomials of the form 𝑥−𝑐 using synthetic division
EX 1 24𝑥3𝑦2−16𝑥𝑦3+27𝑥4𝑦÷4𝑥2𝑦3
Synthetic Division 1. The divisor must be a binomial. 2. The divisor must be linear (degree = 1) 3. The leading coefficient must be 1.
EX 2 Use synthetic division
EX 3 Use synthetic divsion
EX 4 Use synthetic division
Exit ticket 𝑥 4 +3 𝑥 2 +𝑥+4 ÷ 𝑥+3
Section 6.3 Dividing Polynomials (cont) Learning Objectives Divide polynomials using long division Identify the quotient and remainder using long division
EX 5 Recall:
EX 6
EX 7
EX 8 Is (2x + 1) a factor of the polynomial?