0 0 latitude – Equator 0 longitude – Prime Meridian (has no affect on climate)
Rotation The spinning of the earth on its axis Takes 24 hours Creates night & day
Revolution The orbit of the earth around the sun Takes 365 ¼ days Creates the seasons
Polar Night When the polar region is tilted away from the sun – the polar area receives 24 hours of darkness. When it is pointed toward the sun the area receives 24 hours of daylight.
EQUINOX Direct rays of the sun are located on the EQUATOR Days and nights are equal in length Spring (Vernal) and Fall (Autumnal) When it is Spring in the northern hemisphere it is Fall in the southern hemisphere (the opposite is also true)
SOLSTICE Direct rays of the sun are located on the TROPIC OF CANCER OR CAPRICORN Days and nights are not equal in length – summer days are longer – winters nights are longer Summer and Winter When it is Winter in the northern hemisphere it is Summer in the southern hemisphere (the opposite is also true)
Solstices and Equinoxes
Arctic Circle – 66.5 N Antarctic Circle – 66.5 S North Pole - 90 N South Pole - 90 S
Red – LOW LATITUDES 0 – 23 ½ North & South Tropics Hot and Humid Green – MID LATITUDES 23 ½ - 66 ½ North & South Temperate Mild THE MAJORITY OF THE WORLD’S PEOPLE LIVE IN THE TEMPERATE ZONE!! Blue – HIGH LATITUDES 66 ½ - 90 North & South Polar Cold and Dry
Much of the information in this Power Point came from Linda Hammon. The Factors the Affect Climate: L.A.C.E.M.O.P.S. Acronym There are a great deal of discussion slides. Can take up to 2 days and do the discussions or go quickly w/o discussions and complete in 1 day. Much of the information in this Power Point came from Linda Hammon.
Terms to Know Fold your paper in half 3 times to create 8 boxes necessary to record the information in this lesson. Use one side record each of these vocab terms & definitions. Rotation/1 day takes the earth 24 hours (1 day) to make one complete rotation on it’s AXIS. Revolution/1 year Takes the earth 365 ¼ days (1 year) to make one complete revolution around the SUN Weather – The DAILY condition of the atmosphere. Climate – Weather conditions over TIME. Precipitation – Moisture that falls from the sky: rain, snow, sleet, & hail. Most scientists say you need at least 30 years of weather records to be able to make a decision about climate type. Rotation/revolution diagram in purple textbooks pg 30. Students are responsible for understanding this. Might have students illustrate rotation, revolution, types of precipitation (onlevel) in squares.
L = Latitude Distance from the equator is one of the most important factors in determining climate. Closer you are to the equator, the warmer it gets. This is due to the way in which the suns rays hits the surface of the earth
Zones of Latitude High: Polar climates. One Season: COLD Middle: Temperate Climates 4 Seasons: Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall Low: Tropical Climates 2 Seasons: Rainy, Dry HIGH MIDDLE Students should write the seasons for each of the 3 climate zones in the “latitude” square LOW MIDDLE HIGH
Humid Subtropical Location Tropical Wet & Dry Location Take a moment to compare the temperatures of Mangalore & Memphis. Which one do you think is closer to the equator? Why? Talking points, not to write down. Mangalore is closer because their temperature has less variation. Low latitudes Memphis experiences the 4 seasons b/c it is locates in the mid latitudes. Humid Subtropical Location Tropical Wet & Dry Location
Study the two climographs below. Can you pick out the one that depicts a tropical climate? How do you know? Bonus Question: Is it a tropical wet or a tropical wet and dry climate? How do you know? Discussion Climate B is wet/dry because of the variation in precipitation. This location experiences the monsoon seasons. Climate A Climate B
A is for Air Masses
Air Masses Northern hemisphere = cold air from the polar regions comes from the north hot air from the tropics comes from the south. Southern hemisphere = cold air from the polar region comes from the south hot air from the tropics comes from the north. Basically regarding the direction of air masses and where they are coming from An air mass is a large (usually thousands of miles across) volume of air where the temperature is the same across horizontal bands. To a lesser extent the amount of humidity is similar across these bands too.
Why is the direction that cold air comes from flip flopped in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres? Discussion: Refer back to the info in slide 11 regarding the direction of air masses.
C is for Continentality
Continentality The effect of a location on a continent Why is there so little difference between summer and winter along the coast of California? It takes the ocean a long time to heat & cool! Wind blowing off of water moderates coastal areas. What is the difference between summer & winter in Kansas? BIG difference in seasons in Kansas…why? Land heats & cools quickly!! Close to large body of water = smaller difference in temperature Farther away from water = greater difference in temperature. Water moderates climate. To moderate means to make milder: not as hot or cold. Water takes longer to heat and cool than land. So locations near water don’t heat up or cool down quickly. Consequently, the temperature doesn’t vary as much during the year. No hot, hot summers or cold, cold winters. Since land DOES heat up and cool quickly, areas inland from the coast will be hotter in the summer and colder in the winter than areas with the same latitude on the coast.
Continentality: How Does It Affect Climate? Remember: continentality is the effect of location on a continent on the climate of a place. Inland locations typically have larger temperature ranges and (possibly) drier conditions than maritime locations. Nebraska is farther inland because there is a larger variation on the climate. Compare these two locations. Which one is further inland? How can you tell?
E is for Elevation
ELEVATION The higher you go, the colder it gets. As you go up in elevation, the air gets thinner and does not trap heat. Are there glaciers on the equator?? YES! There is a giant glacier on the equator in Africa. Equator is warm, but due to high elevation it is cold enough for a glacier (though it is melting rapidly) This cooling effect of elevation stems from low atmospheric pressure -- with less air to push down on the mountains, the air molecules spread out and lose energy. The formula for vertical climate: the temperature decreases 3.5°F for every 1,000 ft of elevation.
Elevation Remember: elevation affects climate and climate affects the type of vegetation.
Elevation affects the type of natural vegetation & crops that grow in a region. More detail in a later unit. South America?
In this photo, you can see the tree line-the highest point on a mountain that trees can survive.
M is for Mountain Barriers
MOUNTAIN BARRIERS (aka the Orographic Effect or the Rain Shadow Effect) Winds blow across the ocean & push moisture inland. Moisture cloud reaches the mountains, gets “popped” by the mountain top & rains on the coastal side By the time this cloud reaches the other side of the mountains, the air is dry. What very dry state do you find East of the Sierra Nevada Mts?? A: Nevada!!! Because Calif gets the rain, the Sierra Nevadas block the rainfall Wind directions are opposite in South America as winds come from across the Atlantic, thus the Amazon, but West of the Andes, you have the Atacama desert on the Pacific Ocean.
Mountain Barriers: Rain Shadow
O is for Ocean Currents
OCEAN CURRENTS The UK & Europe are on the same line of latitude as Canada. Do they experience the same climate? North Atlantic Drift = warm current that flows up from the equator & and keeps Europe warmer than it should be at that latitude La Nina & El Nino – brings flood to the US & effects hurricane season.
Ocean Currents Cold currents create dry conditions on the coast. Warm currents create wet conditions on the coast.
Physical Map of Africa Ocean Currents Using both maps above, how do you explain the existence of the desert region of southwestern Africa?
P is for Pressure and Prevailing Winds
Pressure High Pressure =H Heavy, cool air, brings clear skies and no rain. Low Pressure =L Light, warm air, usually brings precipitation Pressure systems blow from areas of high pressure to low pressure centers. At the Equator and at both lines of 60 latitude, the air is rising. Where air rises, you get rain, so those areas tend to be humid.
Wind and the Coriolis Effect Earth’s winds would blow in straight lines, but since the earth rotates they are turned at an angle. In the northern hemisphere, they turn to the right. In the southern hemisphere they turn to the left. This bending of the wind is called the Coriolis Effect. Wind and the Coriolis Effect PreAP Time permitting
Cyclonic storms (hurricanes & typhoons) Northern Hemisphere spin counter-clockwise. Southern Hemisphere cyclones spin clockwise. PreAp time permitting. Informative, but prob not necesssary Southern Hemisphere Northern Hemisphere
PreAp Time permitting. May be good for assessment questions?? What relationship can you detect between the diagram and the map of the world’s major deserts? HINT: Think high pressure vs. low pressure.
S is for Storms
Storms Storms occur where …. polar winds meet westerlies when hot & cold air masses collide
Storm Tracks Cat. 5 Hurricane Tropical Storm Tornado Cyclone
P ressure & Prevailing Winds S torms L atitude A ir Masses C ontinentality E levation M ountain Barriers O cean Currents P ressure & Prevailing Winds S torms This acronym was .introduced by: Dr. James Petersen – Texas State University – San Marcos, TX, 1990.