Education in Sweden What has happened? Professor Hans Mallmin, Secretary of Education The Swedish Orthopedic Association Uppsala University Hospital
10 milj inh
Founded 1939 Member of: NOF EFORT Founded 1477 City of Youth 40000 students Nr 73 on ARWU Arch-bishop city 4th city, 200000 inh 20 Regions, 7 Medical Faculties. Stockholm, Gothenburg. Uppsala, Lund, Umeå, Linköping, Örebro 20 Academic Ranking of World Universities number 73 QS World University Rankings/US New snumber 81
Education – All doctors Situation Sweden 2014 Population 10 milj New Registered fully qualified doctors Edu Sweden Edu EU/EES Edu Third part Total 2012 950 1000 250 2200 2013 1050 1100 200 2350
Education - Orhopedics Situation Sweden 2014 Population 10 milj 2200 Specialists, 600 >65 years of age The Swedish Orthopedic Association 1600 members, (Females 280) 360 Retired 14 Honorary members 18 Company members 10 SOF Board members
Issues Continous Professional Development Revision of guidelines for all specialist training Report from the commission of medical education for medical students
Continous Professional Development Sweden, Portugal and Malta without any regulations Directive 2013/55/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU): Doctors, Nurses, Veterinarians, Dentists, Pharmacists etc Regulations should be implemented till 2016
Continous Professional Development Official report for further consideration, to implement the EU regulations Under consideration autumn 2014 Proposition January 2015 Implemented January 2016 The National Board of Health and Welfare will be authorized to regulate and control the observance of the regulations
Continous Professional Development Swedish Medical Association Half-day inspections, preceded by questionaire Environment for CPD Allocated time for CPD To read, reflect and consult within the frame work of everyday activities Resources for CPD Relevante courses & conferences, contemporary information, qualified colleagues for consultations Governed CPD according to patient security and medical quality Individual CPD-plans per year Documented CPD activities and plans for the year to come
Revision of Specialists and Specialist Training The Speciality Division revised Hand Surgery - a new/old speciality Specialist traning – minimum 5 years Concerns all Specialities 9 goals Only Specialities with patient contact 5 goals, new Speciality specific 12 goals, under revision
B. Specialities with patient contact focuse on Revision of Specialists and Specialist Training B. Specialities with patient contact focuse on Patient focused communication Health promotion and prevention Drugs Insurance medicine Palliative care
To be a fully authorized doctor Harmonising to the EU/EES Report from the commission of medical education for medical students 2013 To be a fully authorized doctor Harmonising to the EU/EES Present status, Sweden 5 ½ year education, graduated from Medical school 21 m basic medical training internship, AT 6 m Medicine 6 m Surgery/orthopaedics/anaesthesiology 3 m Psychiatry 6 m GP By the National Board of Health and Welfare fully authorized doctors
Present Status Sweden But………. Report from the commission of medical education for medical students 2013 Present Status Sweden But………. Due to lack of AT-positions: To qualify for a AT-position you have to merit 6- 36 m as an assistant physician Consequence: Broad and extensive training period,(appreciated by young doctors). Delayed time to specialist - 2-4 years Reduced life-time income Swedish medical students are discrimated.
Report from the commission of medical education for medical students 2013 Proposition 6 year Education Medical sciences Basic science Clinical sciences Clinical competence Indiviualised profiling, broadening and deeping Independent scientific medical report Univesities authorized to approve fully qualified doctor All Specialist training starts with an one year Basic Medical Training
The presented government has ignored the report Status Quo Report from the commission of medical education for medical students 2013 The presented government has ignored the report Status Quo
Countdown for 30th April has begun
Celebrating Spring 30th April