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The Anahat (Heart) Chakra Intermediate Course Week 5
The Anahat (Heart) chakra We’ll talk about Knowledge Experience Benefits How to balance
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge “The Heart Chakra is located behind the sternum bone. In the gland behind the sternum bone the antibodies are produced up to the age of 12, which protect us against diseases and any form of negativity.“ Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Located at the level of the sternum bone
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge The quality of the Heart Chakra Pure love which enlightens all. Home of the Self, the Spirit, Atma - all meaning the same thing. Strong immune system.
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Characteristics Element: Air Number: 12 Color: Pink or purple Physical Place: Center of the chest Place on Hand: Little fingers Planet: Venus
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Physical functions regulate Heart Lungs Breasts Thymus gland
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Qualities of Center Heart chakra Universal Mother Protection and security Creation and nourishment of antibodies
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Qualities of Left Heart chakra Truth (sat) Attention (chit) Joy (ananda) Satchitananda Physical mother
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Qualities of Right Heart chakra Dutiful life as a father, husband, brother Gracious behaviour Auspicious boundaries Physical father
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge The divine aspect of the Heart chakra is divine protection within us. This aspect is called Shri Jagadamba (Mother of the Universe)
Anahat (Heart) Knowledge Mantra for the Center Heart chakra AUM twameva sakshat Shri Jagadamba sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha
Anahat How to Balance Causes of Center Heart problems Insecurity Problems with or as the mother Fear Possession Childhood in an unhappy family
Anahat How to Balance Causes of Left Heart problems Extreme physical/mental activity Bad relationships (especially mother’s) Superficiality Drugs Not seeking Anti-God activities
Anahat How to Balance Causes of Right Heart problems Father or fatherhood problems Emotional aggression Arrogant inconsiderate behaviour Unlawful domination Economical and political suppression
Anahat How to Balance Diseases due to imbalance Palpitation Asthma Heart attack Breast cancer Lung diseases Weak immune system
Anahat How to Balance The Center Heart chakra Use the mantra of “Shri Jagadamba” or “Shri Durga Mata”. Use the affirmation: “Shri Mataji, make me a fearless person” or “Shri Mataji, fill my heart with love”. Give vibrations to the front and back of the heart. Breathe in through your nose, keep the breath, breath out through your mouth, repeat 3 times. Right hand on center heart, say 12 times the name of Shri Jagadamba. Candle treatment, around the left heart. Three candle treatment, if the left Swadisthan is catching too. Perform Puja with the 108 names of the Devi. Read Devi Mahatmyam. Take the prayer: “Mother, you are the most powerful Mother of the universe, you love me and you protect me, and absolutly nothing can happen to me.”
Anahat How to Balance The Left Heart chakra Use the mantra of “Shri Shiva Parvati“ or “Shri Nirmala Atma Shiva”. Use the affirmation “Mother, I am the Spirit” or “I am the Spirit, only the Spirit, not this Ego, not this body, not this emotion, not pain, only Spirit I am, only Spirit.” Give vibrations to the left heart. Where the left heart catches due to over activity of the right side, raise the left side 108 times, and also use the vibrations by putting the right hand towards the photograph with the left hand pointing upwards to the sky (or ceiling). The element ether will dissolve the heat. Ask for forgiveness for any mistake done against the spirit without feeling guilty. Use candle or camphor as bandhan.
Anahat How to Balance The Right Heart chakra Use the mantra of “Shri Sita Rama”. Use the affirmation “Mother, verily you are the responsibility in me.” Or “Shri Mataji, you are the boundaries of good conduct and the benevolence of a good father.” Give vibrations to the right heart Chakra, and use ice pack. Develop the qualities and protectiveness of a father and husband. Wives should not allow their husband’s protective qualities to withdraw. Where the right heart catch is of overemotional nature, raise the right side and lower the left 108 times. Put your left hand to the photo and the right hand on mother earth. This will release the left side problem which is causing the right heart to catch. Read the Rama Kavach.
Anahat How to Balance Affirmations Mother, please make me fearless. Mother, you are my protection. Mother, I am the Spirit. Mother, I am not responsible.
Let’s meditate now