Tiffany Lau Emily Nguyen David Mangold Xiang Zhang VLookUp, Match, Offset Tiffany Lau Emily Nguyen David Mangold Xiang Zhang
VLOOKUP Use: Formula: “Looks up” and displays the value of a cell =Vlookup(“Value”, Parameters, Column, False/True) False: Exact search True: Approximate search
MATCH Use: Formula: Displays the row where a value can be found =Match(“#”, Parameters, [1, 0, or -1]) = Match (“Value*/?”, Column, 0) 1: Largest value </= input value 0: Exact value -1: Smallest value >/= input value
OFFSET Use: Displays a cell value at the intersection of a column and row input Formula: =Offset(Corner Cell Reference, Row, Column) Row: Row # - Cell Reference Row # Column: Column # - Cell Reference Column #