Adding Functionality to your Spreadsheet
Excel’s VLOOKUP Function Used to lookup values in tables, i.e., tax tables, discount tables, grade scale tables, etc. Two most widely used HLOOKUP VLOOKUP Final Average Grade >= 90 A 80 to 89 B 70 to 79 C 60 to 69 D Below 60 F
VLOOKUP Function =VLOOKUP (search argument, table range, column number) where the search argument is the value in the spreadsheet which is used to search the table for a particular value (i.e., student’s average) the table range is the range in which the lookup table resides the column number is the specified column where the resulting value is located (i.e., grade) the VLOOKUP function searches the leftmost column of a table (called the table arguments) and returns the corresponding value from the specified column (table values)
VLOOKUP Table To work correctly, the table arguments must be in ascending sequence The VLOOKUP function returns a table value based on the search argument being less than or equal to the table arguments Revised grade table for VLOOKUP: Final Average Grade F 60 D 70 C 80 B 90 A