Title Slide Name Art II/ Intermediate Art Date


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Presentation transcript:

Title Slide Name Art II/ Intermediate Art Date Any original design/cover that you design

Template for Artist Statement Slides Artist’s Name Name of Artwork Media and Materials Size Type your artist statement here….. You will need a minimum of five artist statements in your portfolio. Each statement is presented directly after the artwork to which it refers.

Origami Crane

Crane Project “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Ebony Flowers on Watercolor Background “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Kaleidocycle Project

Kaleidocycle Project

Surreal Eye “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Origami Crane “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Include your best or favorite Sketch Book assisnment How does sketching help you? (physically helps you as an artist, helps you with creative thinking, helps you emotionally, etc…) Include example with a description.

Include drawing of the eye and drawing of your eye in color. Sketch book Cover Include drawing of the eye and drawing of your eye in color. Include pick of you Sketch book cover

Doodle Page “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Metamorphosis “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Water Color Techniques Description of your favorite one

Portrait Project   “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Sketch book Gallery

Loteria Project “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

“Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Artwork “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

“Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

“Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

“Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Sketch Book page of artist “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Famous Artist Dish “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

ARTISTS Name Birthdate – Date of Death City or Country Born Three titles of their art work (one pictures must be shown on slide) 4 Step Critique of the pictured artwork Picture of the artist on the slide

Surreal Landscape “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Zentangles “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Clay Egg or Drawing “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Clay Mug “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Ben Heine Style Sketchbook Page “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Senior Project Grad or bulletin board “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Mandala “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Person Sketch Book “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Clay Monster “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Exquisite Corpse Game “Title”, or Title, medium, size, date

Awards, Honors, NAHS, etc *Name of award, honor and date

Participation Field trips, musical painting/set design, any other extra curricular activities.

Art Courses *List course and date and final grade (Art I, fall 2010, final grade: 89)

Classroom Experience Photo of you in the art room. Include a written description of the activity.

Artist Statement

Conclusion Include any other quote you want to include, or a final statement that sums up your philosophy about art. END.