VLOOKUP Finds an entry from a vertical array based on a criteria =VLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,col_index_num,[range_lookup]) lookup_value: criteria to lookup or “match” table_array: the range or boundary of your table (excluding headings) col_index_num: the column number in your range that contains the corresponding data range_lookup: True: Finds the exact match or the next lower value in your table array False: Finds an exact match in your table array Vlookup and Hlookup
HLOOKUP Finds an entry from a horizontal array based on a criteria =HLOOKUP(lookup_value,table_array,row_index_num,[range_lookup]) lookup_value: criteria to lookup or “match” table_array: the range or boundary of your table (excluding headings) row_index_num: the column number in your range that contains the corresponding data range_lookup: True: Finds an exact match in your table array or Finds the lowest value without going over False: Finds an exact match in your table array Vlookup and Hlookup
TABLE/ARRAY RULES TRUE FALSE Leftmost column should contain the table range Rightmost column should contain the value Leftmost column must be in ascending order Finds an exact match in your table array or finds the lowest value without going over Beginning value in table array must be the lowest value of a lookup value. FALSE Finds the exact match in your table array Vlookup and Hlookup