Unit 2 Academic Vocabulary Read the definition for each term. Write a sentence correctly using each term. You may handwrite on notebook paper, or type your sentence onto the slide and e-mail it to me. warren.bradley@alvord.k12.ca.us
The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions Emancipation Use term in a sentence
Draft 1. A preliminary version of a piece of writing. 2. Compulsory recruitment for military service. Draft Use term in a sentence
The large-scale introduction of manufacturing, advanced technical enterprises, and other productive economic activity into an area, society, country, etc. Industrialization Use term in a sentence
The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Immigration The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Use term in a sentence
Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions Migration Use term in a sentence
The action of withdrawing formally from membership of a federation or body, especially a political state. historical The withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860, leading to the Civil War. Secession Use term in a sentence
A thing that has been rebuilt after being damaged or destroyed The period 1865–77 following the Civil War, during which the states of the Confederacy were controlled by the federal government and social legislation, including the granting of new rights to African-Americans, was introduced. Reconstruction Use term in a sentence
A charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office The president is facing impeachment over the scandal all impeachments shall be tried by the Senate Impeachment Use term in a sentence
the distribution of power in a government between a national government and the states. Federalism
The action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. The enforced separation of different racial groups in a country, community, or establishment. Segregation Use term in a sentence
Confederacy A confederacy is a political union. The most famous American confederacy consisted of the southern states who fought the northern states in the American Civil War. Confederacy Use term in a sentence
Financial involving financial matters If you are short on cash, you might say you have a financial problem. Talking about finances is a polite and formal way to refer to money. Financial Use term in a sentence
Debt the state of owing something (especially money) The noun debt refers to an obligation to pay for or do something. If you get arrested for stealing, serving time in jail is the way to repay your debt to society. Debt Use term in a sentence
the taking over of another's debts Assumption Use term in a sentence
Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. Sedition Use term in a sentence
The action of a state impeding or attempting to prevent the operation and enforcement within its territory of a law of the United States. The act of nullifying The state of being nullified Nullification Use term in a sentence
Tariff A tax on goods coming into or leaving a country. Use term in a sentence
To carry or send (as a commodity) to some other place (as another country) Export Use term in a sentence
To bring from a foreign or external source: as a : to bring (as merchandise) into a place or country from another country b : to transfer (as files or data) from one format to another usually within a new file Import Use term in a sentence
Relating to an economy : relating to the process or system by which goods and services are produced, sold, and bought. Economic Use term in a sentence