Metrics and Scientific method Conversions Variables Scientific Method Metrics Grab Bag 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
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Conversions-100 ANSWER: 30 cm equals _______ m QUESTION: What is .30?
Conversions-200 ANSWER: 0.32 m equals ______mm. QUESTION: What is 320?
Conversions-300 ANSWER: 8.67 hg equals ________kg. QUESTION: What is 0.867?
Conversions-400 ANSWER: 1.3476 kg equals ______mg. QUESTION: What is 134,760?
Conversions-500 ANSWER: 0.36 DL equals ______mL. QUESTION: What is 3600?
Variables-100 ANSWER: Factor that is changed in an experiment. QUESTION: What is Manipulated/ independent variable?
Variables-200 ANSWER: Factor that is being measured in an experiment. QUESTION: What is responding/ dependent variable?
Variables-300 ANSWER: What you keep the same for all trials to show that the result of an experiment is really due to the manipulated variable being tested. QUESTION: What is control variables?
Variables-400 ANSWER: Mosquito repellent is sprayed on one arm and the other arm is not sprayed. The number of mosquito bites is counted after 2 hours. Identify the manipulated variable QUESTION: What is mosquito repellent?
Variables-500 ANSWER: Bob studies for a Science test and Jackie does not study. After the test, they compare their scores. Identify the control variables. QUESTION: What is the test (and number of participants)?
Scientific Method-100 ANSWER: An educated guess about the solution to a problem QUESTION: What is hypothesis?
Scientific Method-200 ANSWER: A judgment based on the results of an experiment QUESTION: What is a conclusion?
Scientific Method-300 ANSWER: If, then, because statements are what part of the scientific method. QUESTION: What is the hypothesis?
Scientific Method-400 ANSWER: Restating the hypothesis is what part of the scientific method. QUESTION: What is conclusion?
Scientific Method-500 ANSWER: Put the following in order: research information (1), record data (2), make a hypothesis (3), Identify a testable problem (4), conclusion (5), test the hypothesis (6). (use the numbers). QUESTION: What is 4,1,3,6,2,5?
Metrics-100 ANSWER: The abbreviations for meters, liters and grams is this (in order). QUESTION: What is m, l, and g?
Metrics-200 ANSWER: This is what meters, liters and grams measure (in order). QUESTION: What is distance, volume and mass?
Metrics-300 ANSWER: Put the prefixes in order from smallest to biggest (milli, kilo, centi, deci, hecto, deca, base). QUESTION: What is milli, centi, deci, base, deca, hecto, kilo?
Metrics-400 ANSWER: When measuring liquids we measure to this point of the liquid. QUESTION: What is the meniscus?
Metrics-500 ANSWER: This type of measurement is called… QUESTION: What is displacement or water displacement?
Grab bag-100 ANSWER: This part of the scientific method is where the hypothesis is actually tested. QUESTION: What is the procedure?
Grab bag-200 ANSWER: Besides using a graduated cylinder/ beaker, volume can also be found by this. QUESTION: What is using a ruler and multiplying the l, w and h?
Grab bag-300 ANSWER: These are the two parts that make-up a testable question. QUESTION: What are the manipulated and responding variable (or independent and dependent variable)?
Grab bag-400 ANSWER: This is how meters, liters and grams are measured. QUESTION: What is meter stick, graduated cylinder/ beaker and triple beam balance?
Grab bag-500 ANSWER: The metric system is also know as this. QUESTION: What is SI or International System of Measurement?
FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: This is what the prefix nano- means. QUESTION: What is 10^-9 or 1 billionth?