Biomedical Enginnering Institute TEACHING, RECHEARCH & EXTENSION ACTIVITIES ANOS 1974- 2014 Biomedical Enginnering Institute Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Federal University of Santa Catarina WHO Collaborating Centre on Healthcare Technology Managment Professor: Renato Garcia, Dr.
The IEB-UFSC MISSION VISION Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Technological Centre Federal University of Santa Catarina MISSION To promote teaching, research and extension activities in the area of Biomedical Engineering, graduating skilled human resources and applying the knowledge created in the development and management of healthcare technology, providing benefits to healthcare facilities and improvement in quality of life. VISION Be the Institute of National and International Reference in the Development and Management of Medical Technology, acting as a reliable partner for professionals and organizations in the search for better solutions for healthcare technological issues.
IEB-UFSC FACILITIES Medical Informatics Bioengineering HTM Center Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory Eletromedical Equipment Test Lab. Innovation Center for Medical Technology ITEB/IEB-UFSC Bioengineering Clinical Engineering Center Primary Healthcare Clinical Engineering Auditorium Classroom Medical Informatics Library Health Metrology Lab. Technological Process Lab. Human Factor Engineering Aplication Prototypes Development
Approach for Ubiquitous Healthcare as the application of pervasive computing technologies for healthcare as making healthcare available everywhere, anytime and to anyone from physician-centric to patient-centric; from acute reactive to continuous preventive; from sampling to monitoring.
Methodological Guidelines Robotics Surgical System Project OPAS/MS/IEB-UFSC HTA for Medical Care Equipment Methodological Guidelines Methodological Guidelines Spanish English Portuguese Case: Robotics Surgical System
2017 - 2018 Actividades ETS
IEB-UFSC Technology for Health with Quality Life OBRIGADO!! site: e-mail: